
dú lún chē
  • wheelbarrow;monocycle;monotroch
独轮车 [dú lún chē]
  • [wheelbarrow] 只有一个车轮的小车,多用手推着走

独轮车[dú lún chē]
  1. 我们为你的牙齿准备独轮车!

    We can bring my wheelbarrow for your teeth !

  2. 你现在需要一个真正的独轮车。

    You are going to need a real wheelbarrow .

  3. 1883年的一项专利,由JohnOttoLose设计的独轮车。

    A 1885 patent for a one-wheeled vehicle designed by John Otto Lose .

  4. 我初次涉足注塑成型塑料领域,发明了“球轮手推车”(ballbarrow)一种用大球代替车轮以提高稳定性的独轮车。

    My first foray into injection-moulded plastic was the " ballbarrow " a wheelbarrow with a large ball rather than a wheel for greater stability .

  5. 最初,独轮车被用于军事目的。

    Originally , the vehicle was intended for military purposes .

  6. 那边还有运输物资的独轮车。

    Over there , there are the single-wheeled carts .

  7. 杨小姐帮我推独轮车。

    Miss Yang helped me wheel the barrow .

  8. 女士看到在大街上补锅匠在他的独轮车上干活。

    A lady sees a pot-mender at work at his barrow in the street .

  9. 独轮车又顺着来时的路返回了。

    The cart rolled back following the same route it came in the moming .

  10. 而作为人类的运输工具,船、轿子和独轮车比马更普遍。

    As conveyance , boats , sedan chairs and wheelbarrows were more popular than horses .

  11. 而在火车建成前,工人们要通过独轮车将煤炭运到附近的河流里。

    Previously , workers had pushed the coal to a nearby river by wheel barrow .

  12. 这是一种电动交通工具,看起来像是摩托车和独轮车的结合品。

    It 's an electric vehicle that looks like a cross between a motorcycle and a unicycle .

  13. 为了实现对于独轮车机器人非线性系统的姿态控制。

    The nonlinear characteristics in the unicycle robot dynamic system make the robot control much more difficult .

  14. 从这一点积蓄,我做独轮车,我将聘请到手推车顶推船,她说。

    From that savings , I made wheelbarrows that I would hire to wheelbarrow pushers , she says .

  15. 这套装置可以让人坐在一个无辐轮子里,舒服的蹬着独轮车。

    The device allows a rider , who sits inside a spokeless wheel , to operate the unicycle comfortably .

  16. 至于那地方的风景,我却也保留住了,后来我每年都得到丰收,却不需要独轮车来载走。

    But I retained the landscape , and I have since annually carried off what it yielded without a wheelbarrow .

  17. 这群人正从那个地区席卷而出,他们把古董放在手推车上,自行车上,独轮车上,有的还放在箱子里。

    The crowd was storming out of the complex carrying antiquities on hand carts , bicycles and wheelbarrows and in boxes .

  18. 焰火,活字印刷,大运河,风筝,独轮车,拱桥,指南针。

    Fireworks , wood-block printing , canal lock-gates , kites , the wheelbarrow , chain suspension bridges and the magnetic compass .

  19. 每天一放学,他们就推着独轮车或是手推车满街搜寻,篝火的燃料也就越来越多,堆积如山。

    Every day after school they scoured the streets with trolleys and wheelbarrows , adding to the growing mountain of material .

  20. 从独轮车到皮划艇,岛上居民帮他们在能放的地方几乎都放上了摄像头。

    They 're being helped out by residents who are attaching cameras to all sorts of things from wheelbarrows to kayaks .

  21. 我发现了一个独轮车是一个方便的地方我的具体组合,但任何足够大的容器就可以了。

    I found a wheelbarrow to be a convenient place to mix my concrete , but any sufficiently large container will do .

  22. 独轮车从我手里转到魁魁格手里时,他告诉我一个关于他生平第一次看到独轮车的有趣故事。

    Shifting the barrow from my hand to his , he told me a funny story about the first wheelbarrow he had ever seen .

  23. 秋收季节,每个人推着一个胶轮独轮车,装着三袋稻米在尺把宽的田埂上来回运送。

    During the harvest season , everyone pulled a wheelbarrow loaded with three large sacks of rice on the30cm wide field ridge , transporting rice home .

  24. 高通货膨胀使得商店里的价格一天变化好几次,日常用品也变得严重短缺,此外,津巴布韦人还会用独轮车推着钱去市场。

    Hyper-inflation saw prices in shops change several times a day , severe shortages of basic goods and Zimbabweans taking their money to market in wheelbarrows .

  25. 好象是他的船主借给他一辆独轮车,好让他把他那只笨重的箱子运到他的宿店去。

    The owners of his ship , it seems , had lent him one , in which to carry his heavy chest to his boarding house .

  26. 但是,我们不理他们,径自轮流推着独轮车走去,魁魁格不时地停下来,端正一下他那标枪钩的鞘子。

    But we heeded them not , going along wheeling the barrow by turns , and Queequeg now and then stopping to adjust the sheath on his harpoon barbs .

  27. 独轮车由我手里转到他手里时,魁魁格给我讲了一个关于他第一次见到独轮车的故事。

    Shifting the barrow from my hand to his , he told me a funny story about the first wheelbarrow he had ever seen . It was in Sag Harbor .

  28. 那天一早,一辆古老的独轮车推着姐姐和他走上了村头那条弯弯曲曲的蛋黄色小路。

    That morning saw an ancient one-wheeled pushcart , with both his sister andhim sitting on it , rolling along the yolk-yellow winding path stretching awayfrom the end of the village .

  29. 正因认识到了独轮车为我方军队战胜敌军带来的先天优势——独轮车即既可被用来充当移动的路障,也能被当作运输工具——古代中国人将这项发明保密了长达几个世纪之久。

    Recognizing the physical advantages the wheelbarrow gave its armies over any enemies -- they were used as mobile barricades as well as for transportation -- the Chinese kept their invention secret for centuries .

  30. 这次运动会将于8月26至28号在山东莒南举行,军事演练中的特色项目包括手榴弹比武、独轮车支前、红嫂救伤员和胜利的军旗。

    The Games , to be held in Junan , Shandong province , from Aug26-28 , feature events seen during military drills including grenade throwing , mono-wheel carting , life-saving , and mountain climbing .