
  • 网络principle of independence;Independence principle
  1. 此外,表面上陪审制度与司法职业化、司法独立原则的背离隐含了其本质上的一致性。

    In addition , though superficially the jury system deviates from the professional nature and principle of independence of judicature , it actually corresponds with these principles .

  2. 第三章是司法独立原则的比较研究。

    Chapter 3 is the Comparative Study of the Judicial Independence Principle .

  3. 由于WTO协议强调司法独立原则,所以关于民事行政检察监督与司法独立的关系将会引起进一步的讨论。

    So there would be more arguments about the relationship between judicial independence and procuratorial work on civil procedure .

  4. 随着我国加入WTO,经济和社会的飞速发展,现行的法院独立原则越来越不适应我国要融入国际大家庭的现状。

    As our country joins WTO , the development at full speed of the economy and of the society , the less the current independent principle of court adapt to our country 's incorporating the current situation of the international big family .

  5. 法官审判独立原则的确立与保障

    Establishing and Protecting of the Independent Principle of Judge 's Judgment

  6. 再次是司法独立原则。

    The last is principle of the independence of the judiciary .

  7. 信用证的独立原则与诈骗分析

    Analysis on Independence Principle and Fraud of Letter of Credit

  8. 查新独立原则与经济性探析

    The Independence Principle on Novelty Search and the Research on its Economy

  9. 信用证独立原则的适用与完善

    Application and Perfection of the Independent Principle of the Letter of Credit

  10. 我国法律对司法独立原则也有相应的规定。

    Our law also have correlative rule about it .

  11. 略论我国的司法独立原则

    On the Principle of Judicial Independence of Our Country

  12. 任何一个真正的法治国家,都必须确立司法独立原则。

    Any real legal country must set up the principle of judicial independence .

  13. 论司法独立原则在我国之采用

    On Application of the Principle of Judicial Independence

  14. 司法独立原则在我国是指司法权独立,即独立审判和独立检察。

    Principle of judicial independence refers to justice independence and procuratorial independence in China .

  15. 信用证独立原则

    Principle of letter of credit 's independence

  16. 系统中采用了各种抗干扰措施,按系统独立原则设计,确保了系统运行的可靠性。

    Because of the independent design principle , the running of the system is reliable .

  17. 第二章是审判独立原则。

    The first chapter is general principles .

  18. 一种基于可辨识矩阵与决策规则独立原则的缺损数据知识发现方法

    A Knowledge Discovery Algorithm of Imperfect Information Based on Distinct Matrix and Decision Rules Independence Principle

  19. 实施审判独立原则之辨思

    On the Implementation of Judicial Independence

  20. 审判独立原则是当今世界各国普遍承认和遵守的一项法律原则。

    The principle of independent trial is a law principle generally recognized and observed in all countries of the world .

  21. 但如果将公司人格独立原则绝对化,就会造成公司法人人格滥用,危及债权人的利益。

    Should the principle of independent corporate personality be absolutization , corporate personality would be abused and creditors ' benefits endangered .

  22. 然而,公司人格独立原则的绝对化,造成公司法人人格被滥用,进而损害了公司债权人的利益。

    However , the corporate personality independence and the creditors ' interests will be both abused if these two principles are absolute .

  23. 司法独立原则起源于西方的三权分立理论,其目的在于确保司法权公平正义目的的实现。

    The principle of judicial independence of separation theory originated from western , whose purpose is to ensure the realization of judicial justice .

  24. 这种现象的存在,是对我国司法统一原则和司法独立原则的破坏,损害了法制的尊严和权威。

    Such phenomenon undoubtedly impairs the unity and independence of judiciary and thus attaints the dignity and authority of the judicial system of China .

  25. 本文阐明应用独立原则、包容原则和最大实体原则时公差职能的问题。

    The present paper reviews the problem of the duty of tolerances when the independency principle , envelope principle and maximum material principle are used .

  26. 同时,理论界也对我国的司法独立原则进行了长期深入的研究,并发展出一套相对成熟的理论。

    Simultaneously it is also insists on theoretical study of judicial independence in China , and has been developed a set of relatively mature theory .

  27. 信用证独立原则与单证表面相符原则共同构成了整个信用证法律制度赖以存在的基础。信用证独立原则有两个方面的内容,即独立抽象性和单据交易性。

    The principle of autonomy of letter of credit and the principle of facially strict compliance are general fundamentals of the law of letter of credit .

  28. 同时还需采取深入贯彻司法独立原则和完善违宪审查制度的措施,实现公正审判权的保障。

    In the same time , we should take the measures of carrying out the principle of independent jurisdiction and completing the schedule of constitutional review .

  29. 摘要欺诈例外原则是为了避免信用证欺诈,在肯定信用证抽象独立原则的基础上产生的。

    For avoiding fraud of letter of credit , fraud exception doctrine appears on the basis of confirming abstract in dependence doctrine of letter of credit .

  30. 少数民族经济法司法适用的原则有:法治原则、平等原则、独立原则和法律责任原则。

    The principle of the judicatory application in ethnic economy law is covered with the tenet of rule by law , equivalence , independence and legal obligation .