
  1. 安妮的演出显出她独特的音乐才华。

    Annie 's performance pointed up her unique talent for music .

  2. 级进的旋律蕴含着独特的音乐表现。

    The melody of Grade progress contains unique musical expression .

  3. 体现了贝多芬独特的音乐天赋和艺术魅力。

    It reflects his unique talent and artistic charm .

  4. 他独特的音乐语言和富于幻想的艺术风格深受钢琴家及音乐爱好者的喜爱。

    His unique musical language and fanciful art style popular pianist and music lovers alike .

  5. 感受一下其他成员是如何与他配合,从而创造出好听又很独特的音乐的。

    Hear how the other members cooperate with him to produce a very beautiful and special sound .

  6. 二胡这门独特的音乐艺术,渊源于我们民族审美传统。

    Erhu fiddle this unique music art , origin in our nation appreciation of the beauty tradition .

  7. 由于采用复调结构形成其叙事节奏复杂多变,使其小说具有独特的音乐审美效果。

    The polyphonic structure formed complicated of the narrative rhythm and make the unique musical aesthetic effect .

  8. 桑巴是巴西一种独特的音乐和舞蹈形式,是由非洲裔的巴西穷人们创造出来的。

    The samba is a unique Brazilian music and a dance form that was begun by the poor Afro-Brazilians .

  9. 它的调式、音阶以及音调结构都具有浓郁的地方特色,体现出其独特的音乐风貌。

    Their modes , scale , and tune structure possessed the distinguishing local characteristics , showed its individual music style .

  10. 他通过每年的巡回演出继续为全世界的歌迷们奉献他独特的音乐。

    Through his annual tours , he continues to deliver his special kind of music to fans all around the world .

  11. 在高星级酒店服务名片上印上独特的音乐品位符号,让消费者铭记于心。

    Printing unique musical taste symbols on the high-star hotel service business cards , so that consumers bear firmly in mind .

  12. 后现代主义语境下的原生态民间音乐,由于具有了独特的音乐文化价值及审美价值,因而有其存在的必然性和合理性。

    Original ecology folk music under postmodernism context has its inevitability and rationality because of its unique music cultural and aesthetic value .

  13. 上海是我国音乐产业发展较早的地方,拥有悠久独特的音乐文化。

    Shanghai is one of the places where music industry developed earlier , and has the long history and unique music culture .

  14. 布里顿生活在特殊的时代,造就了他独特的音乐气质。使他对生命有了更深层次的理解。

    The specific times Britten lived in helps develop his unique music style and enables him to have a deeper understanding of life .

  15. 他的作品不仅具有英雄主义慷慨激昂的战斗精神,尤其具有独特的音乐审美意蕴。

    His novels not only demonstrated a kind of heroic and generous combative spirit , but also had unique melody and aesthetic meaning .

  16. 他的音乐创作中带有着新古典主义的倾向,又结合了法国传统音乐的民族因素,其中钢琴练习曲便很好地体现了他的这种独特的音乐风格。

    His music combine a tendency in neo-classical and ethnic factors of traditional French music , this unique musical style reflects on his piano etude .

  17. 综观卢托斯拉夫斯基成熟时期创作,是以他独特的音乐语言和富有个性的一系列成功的管弦乐作品形式展现出来的。

    Making a comprehensive view , Lutoslawski 's creation of the mature period was revealed by a series of orchestral works which reflecting his strong personality .

  18. 但是,它又以独特的音乐语言诠释了名著并超越了名著,具有自身的创作特色。

    However , its unique musical language interprets the original text in its own way and surpasses the original text with its own traits of creation .

  19. 在这部声乐套曲里,作曲家以自然景色为背景,以德国民间音乐为素材,用独特的音乐小说的形式展开了一个青年磨工的生活、恋爱和痛苦的经历。

    With the natural landscape as the background and German fork music as the source material , the vocal suit is thus regarded as an outstanding music novel .

  20. 它秉承楚辞的语音、语调和独特的音乐思维逻辑而有一些变化,但仍不失《楚辞.九歌》的韵味。

    There are some changes to the inherit pronunciation , intonation and unique music thinking logics , " the Songs of the South 9 song " appeals yet .

  21. 他大胆的运用各个民族、各个地区音乐风格的音乐元素,融曲艺素材与地方音乐元素于一炉,用自己独特的音乐思维进行创意。

    He uses musical styles and elements in various peoples and regions , mixes quyi and local music , and produces songs in his unique musical mode of thinking .

  22. 大卫·鲍伊的去世在中国社交媒体上引发了摇滚明星和歌迷们的哀悼。他们纪念这个文化偶像。鲍伊曾深深影响了他们独特的音乐基因。

    David Bowie 's death prompted an outpouring of grief among Chinese rock stars and fans as they remembered a cultural icon who strongly influenced their idiosyncratic musical genre .

  23. 在随后的5年中,他继续发展他独特的音乐风格,这一风格后来成为整个音乐新潮流的样板。

    Over the next five years , he continued to evolve his own unique musical style & a style that would become the template for a whole new musical genre .

  24. 逻辑乐队来自于澳大利亚墨尔本,致力于展现他们自己独特的音乐,而且也一直保留着爵士乐自然和交流的传统。

    Based in Melbourne , Australia , the ensemble aims to present its own unique , contemporary sound , whilst preserving the spontaneous and interactive approach of the jazz tradition .

  25. 作为19世纪浪漫乐派杰出的钢琴音乐大师,弗雷德里克·肖邦以其独特的音乐风格在钢琴艺术中占有重要位置。

    As the great romanticism musician belong to the 19 century , Chopin , Frederic played a very important role in the field of piano art for his unique style .

  26. 肖斯塔科维奇作为苏联20世纪杰出的作曲家,有着自己独特的音乐创作风格,他不仅在苏联而且在全世界的作曲家中都占有一席之地。

    An outstanding Soviet composer of this century , Shostakovich , with his unique musical style , possessed an important place not only among the Soviet composers but also in the whole world .

  27. 拉金对传统爵士乐的酷爱是谱写其诗歌的重要音符,爵士乐独特的音乐风格、文化特质和演奏技巧时而隐现在拉金典雅的诗歌中。

    His love to traditional Jazz is a note of music in his poetry . The unique style , culture characteristics and playing technique of Jazz are embodied in ( Larkin 's ) poetry .

  28. 不同地域中的民歌具有独特的音乐文化气质,这是由该音乐所在区域的地方文化所影响和决定的,而文化特征的形成又是由该区域中的诸多客观因素相互混化之后的结果。

    Folk songs from different areas have unique musical cultural temperament , which is influenced and defined by local culture . And the formation of cultural characteristics is the mixed result of many objective elements .

  29. 湘西阳戏的声腔源于弋阳腔,演员在表演时常常运用真假声相结合的方法演唱,有自己独特的音乐特征。

    The tune pattern of Yang drama , which has now taken on its unique musical features , came of the Yiyang tune in the production of which the singers combines authentic voice with falsetto .

  30. 与生俱来的叛逆精神与贵族气质使他有意将象征主义诗歌、印象派绘画和东方音乐融合加之自己的探索开拓终究形成了他自己独特的音乐语言和艺术魅力。

    Inherent rebellious spirit and nobility ~ he intends to tokenism poetry , music Impressionist paintings and integration with the East eventually formed their own exploration in his own unique musical language and the arts charm .