
  • 网络Students in
  1. 对普通高校体育特长生心理健康的研究

    Investigation into Psychological Health of Sports Students in Colleges and Universities

  2. 音乐特长生与普通中学生智力与创造力的比较研究

    A Comparative Study of Intelligence and Creativity Between Music Specialized Students and General Students in Middle Schools

  3. Z分数理论在选拔体育特长生中的的应用

    Application of Z Fraction Theory in Selection Sports Specialty Students

  4. 林书豪所率领的球队击败了体育特长生项目全国第二、篮球项目上有全国排名的高中MaterDei,并带队获得23连胜,最后捧杯。

    His team defeated nationally ranked Mater Dei , the \# 2 nationally ranked High School athletic program , to win the CIF title after 23 consecutive wins for Mater Dei .

  5. 高中美术特长生课程管理与教学方法研究

    High School Arts Special Students Curriculum Management and Teaching Methods Research

  6. 重庆市中学体育特长生文化学习的问题及对策研究

    Research on Student Athletes ' Culture Studies Problems Counterplans in Chongqing Middle School

  7. 示范性高中体育特长生培育与管理研究

    Study on Admission to Students Especially Good at Sports for Model High Schools

  8. 高中美术特长生自我发展现状研究

    The Research of Self-development for the Senior Middle School Students with Art Speciality

  9. 学案导学教学方法可以改善体育特长生的学习动机和兴趣。

    Learning plan-guided teaching mode improves the learning motivation and interest of sports students .

  10. 高校体育特长生运动负荷方略

    Sport Load of College Sport Talents in College

  11. 城镇中学体育特长生运动损伤及其处理对策

    Athletic injury in students with sports talent in town middle schools and its management

  12. 如他所言,正是清华大学对音乐特长生的加分才让他有缘名校。

    He was admitted thanks to Tsinghua 's plan to recruit students with musical talent .

  13. 中学体育特长生危险行为评价

    Comment on the Dangerous Behaviors of the Students Who Have the Specialty in PE in Middle Schools

  14. 这项声明也对足球特长生招生人数限额和具体学科分数要求作出了详细规定。

    The statement also specified the maximum number of recruits and defined basic academic standards for them .

  15. 关于影响高中美术特长生专业教学因素的分析

    The Analysis of the Teaching Factors That Impact on the Students Skilled in Art in the Senior Middle School

  16. 因此,对高中美术特长生英语学习策略使用情况进行调查,是有必要的,也是有意义的。

    As a result , it is necessary and meaningful to conduct a survey on English learning strategies of SSA .

  17. 高中美术特长生的语文学习一直是困扰高中语文教育的重要问题。

    High school students language arts expertise has been a troubled high school to learn the important issue of language education .

  18. 中学体育特长生的文化教育问题一直是困扰学校教育管理的重要问题。

    The cultural education of student athletes in middle school is always an big problem that troubled schools ' education management .

  19. 第四部分:探讨了适合艺术类特长生高中生物学教学方法的探索和实践,并列举大量的教学实例加以说明。

    Part ⅳ: Inquire into the biology teaching approaches fit for the arts students , with a lot of teaching examples .

  20. 本文就普通高校音乐教学提出了课程的文化层面定位问题,教学方法的多样化问题,以及特长生的培养问题。

    This article probes into some questions about how to train the students of their strong suit with music and so on .

  21. 第二,努力推进中考制度改革,避免特长生加分制度程式化。

    Second , we should promote the reforms in examination system , and avoid the bonus points system programmable of talented students .

  22. 为此从体育特长生的现实意义、来源确定、培养目标三方面进行了探索。

    Author reaches from the following aspects : the practical in significance of gymnastic special students , the confirming of their source , training aims .

  23. 高校作为体育后备人才培养的摇篮,体育特长生的培养同样受到举国体制及金牌体育的影响。

    College as the cradle of cultivating sports back-up talents , the cultivation also is affected by the National System and " Gold Medal " .

  24. 学生种群中的尖子生、班干部和特长生亚种群,以其占主要的生态因子不同为划分依据。

    Top students , class leaders , and talented students in the student population are different section for class , accounting for their main ecological factors .

  25. 高考考生假造少数民族身份或冒充体育特长生而获得额外加分,这类丑闻近期频频爆出使这项加分政策遭到强烈质疑。

    Repeated scandals about college entrance examination candidates getting extra marks for fake identity of ethnicity or fake athletic performance has put the policy on grill .

  26. 忽视对美术特长生语文学习的监督和管理,致使语文学习和美术学习之间的矛盾不能妥善解决。

    Neglect of the art specialty health supervision and management of language learning , resulting in language learning and art learning can not solve the contradiction between .

  27. 在以上教学理念的指导下,高中声乐特长生的教学势必会得到完善和良好的发展。

    In these teaching under the guidance of the idea of high school vocal music teaching of gifted and is bound to be perfect and well developed .

  28. 提高中学体育特长生业余训练积极性的探索浙江省体育高考生业余训练运动损伤的调查分析

    Research on Improving Training Initiative for the Students with Sport Specialities of Middle School in Leisure Times Analysis of Physical Education Candidates ' Amateur Athletic Injury in Zhejiang

  29. 通过对实验数据的分析,证明了两个假设:1.学案导学教学方法可以提高体育特长生的学习成绩。

    On the basis of analyzing the experiment data , two hypotheses are proved : 1 . Learning plan-guided teaching mode helps to increase sports students ' academic achievement ; 2 .

  30. 我国社会日新月异的发展对公民的文化素质提出了更高的要求,这一要求与中学体育特长生的文化素质偏低之间形成了巨大的矛盾,这一矛盾在近年来表现得日益突出。

    The changing development of our nation makes higher requirement of citizens ' cultural qualities which makes serious contradiction to the low cultural performance of student athletes and it becomes increasingly prominent in recent years .