
  • 网络mother teresa;mother teresa of calcutta
  1. 这是我从甘地(Gandhi)、帕夏汗(BachaKhan)和特蕾莎修女(MotherTeresa)身上学得的非暴力哲学。

    This is the philosophy of nonviolence that I have learned from Gandhi , Bacha Khan and Mother Teresa .

  2. 得到诺贝尔和平奖的时候,特蕾莎修女说:

    Upon receiving the Nobel Peace Prize , Mother Teresa said :

  3. 特蕾莎修女因为她的高尚品德而闻名于世。

    Mother Teresa is famous for all of her saintly deeds .

  4. 分列第四和第五的是为争取妇女选举权奋斗终身的埃米琳·潘克赫斯特和特蕾莎修女。

    Suffragette Emmeline Pankhurst and Mother Teresa completed the top five .

  5. 你可曾见过特蕾莎修女从穷人手里偷米吗?

    Did you ever see Mother Teresa steal rice from the poor ?

  6. 嗨是啊,它叫“特蕾莎修女”

    Hi . Yes , this is Mother Teresa .

  7. 与其说我像特蕾莎修女,不如说我更像“你们的母亲”。

    I 'm more " you mother " than I am Mother Theresa .

  8. 简直就是布朗克斯的特蕾莎修女

    but practically the Mother Teresa of the Bronx .

  9. 特蕾莎修女把毕生都献给了救助那些无家可归的人。

    Mother Teresa devoted all of her life to the care of homeless people .

  10. 众所周知,我不是特蕾莎修女,但是不管怎样,我今天站在了这里。

    Lord knows I 'm no Mother Teresa , but here I am , nonetheless .

  11. 特蕾莎修女语录中的每一句都是对生命中世俗问题的全新看法。

    Each one of these Mother Teresa quotations is a refreshing view of life 's mundane problems .

  12. 据说,这名男子是在他妻子祷告请求特蕾莎修女代祷之后得到治愈的。

    The man is said to have been cured after his wife prayed for Mother Teresa 's intercession .

  13. 而特蕾莎修女辛劳一生,为的是给贫困者带去了一缕阳光。

    But Mother Teresa toiled a lifetime to bring a ray of sunshine in the lives of the destitute .

  14. 她有如此多的兴趣&音乐、舞蹈、戏剧,特蕾莎修女这样说她的女儿。

    She had so many interests – music , dance , theater , ' ' Teresa said of her daughter .

  15. 拥有比尔盖次的财富,同时拥有特蕾莎修女的善心,可能吗?

    Is it possible to have the wealth of Bill Gates and the heart of Mother Teresa at the same time ?

  16. 梵蒂冈官员星期五表示,教宗批准了一项法令,把第二个神迹归功于特蕾莎修女的代祷。

    Vatican officials said Friday that the pope has approved a decree that attributed a miracle to Mother Teresa 's intercession .

  17. 特蕾莎修女生于1910年的南斯拉夫,在爱尔兰加入修道院于18岁成为一名修女,同年她被分配到印度。

    Mother Teresa Born in1910 , Yugoslavia , Teresa joined a monastery in Ireland at the age of18 and became a nun .

  18. 特蕾莎修女曾经说过:你每次对别人笑都是礼物,是美好的东西。她是对的。

    When Mother Teresa said Everytime you smile at someone , it is * a gift to that person , a beautiful thing she was right .

  19. 比如特蕾莎修女的无私人生,是因为她把其他人的苦难当作自己的疾苦。这使她去帮助世上受苦遭难的人。

    The selfless life Mother teresa , for example , is driven by the clear relationship she has made between anyone else 's pain and her own .

  20. 特蕾莎修女因为毕生服务于穷人,在全球建立无家可归者收容所、孤儿院、爱心厨房和诊所而闻名。

    Mother Teresa was famed for her lifetime of service to the poor , establishing homeless shelters , orphanages , soup kitchens and clinics around the world .

  21. 特蕾莎修女曾经说过:“你每次对别人笑都是礼物,是美好的东西。”她是对的。

    When Mother Teresa said " Everytime you smile at someone , it is ... a gift to that person , a beautiful thing " she was right .

  22. 这个经历让我想起特蕾莎修女曾经说过了一句话:“如果你做不了伟大的事情,那就用伟大的爱心做点小事吧。”

    This experience remained me of something Mother Teresa once said : " If you cannot do great things , you can do small things with great love . "

  23. 在印度加尔各答,安芯来到特蕾莎修女为疾病缠身、穷困潦倒和病危之人所创办的收容所“静心之家”(Kalighat),在那里照顾重病患者。

    In Kolkata , India , she cared for seriously ill men at Kalighat , a hospice for the sick , destitute and the dying established by Mother Teresa .

  24. 在接受诺贝尔和平奖时,特蕾莎修女说:“我们能做些什么来促进世界和平?那就是回家爱你的家人吧。”

    Upon receiving the Nobel Peace Prize , Mother Teresa said , " What can you do to promote world peace ? Go home and love your family . "

  25. 那个将成为特蕾莎修女的女孩在年轻时本打算做传教士。而特蕾莎修女辛劳一生,为的是给贫困者带去了一缕阳光。

    At an early age , the girl who would become Mother Teresa decided to be a missionary . But Mother Teresa toiled a lifetime to bring a ray of sunshine in the lives of the destitute .

  26. 格兰特说:许多人不愿意帮助别人,因为觉得自己不是特蕾莎修女或甘地那种人,但事实是,许多善举可以在五分钟或更少的时间里完成。

    Grant says : Many of us hold back on helping others because we cant be Mother Teresa or Gandhi , but the reality is that many acts of generosity can be done in five minutes or less .

  27. 不管生活的道路上遇到什么,他们始终同舟共济。特蕾莎修女在接受诺贝尔和平奖时说道:“你能为促进世界和平做些什么呢?回家爱你的家人吧。”还要爱你的朋友。

    He stands with her , no matter what life throws in their direction . Upon receiving the Nobel Peace Prize , Mother Teresa said : " What can you do to promote world peace ? Go home and love your family . " And love your friends .