
  • 网络Physical network;Physics Web
  1. 有线电视网作三网融合物理网的优势和问题

    Advantages and Problems of CATV Network as Physical Network of Triple-play

  2. 数字中继物理网优化方法体系的研究

    Study on Systematic Optimization Method of Digital Junction Physical Network

  3. 在拥有一个既定的物理网的前提下,传统信息网的作用十分重要。

    In terms of physical network , the role of traditional information network is very important .

  4. 在数字中继网优化中,物理网优化是一个势必解决的新问题。

    In the optimization of digital junction network , the optimization of physical network is a new problem which must be solved .

  5. 2009年以来,广东移动各本地网均开始了大规模的基础网络规划建设工作,但是长期以来三大基础物理网都是相对独立规划的,并没有形成系统。

    Since 2009 , Guangdong Mobile have started the large-scale work for planning and construction of basic network , but a long time the three physical network are planning independently , and no system .

  6. 在知识经济时代,我们既要看到构成互联网基础设施的物理网和逻辑网的作用,也应看到传统信息网的作用。

    In the age of knowledge economy , we should pay reasonable attention to the role of traditional information network while we are giving high value to the physical and logical network infrastructure facilities on which Internet is formed .

  7. 通过对铁路物理网的分析得知,编组站的度大于全路平均水平,介数和度的分布在整体上是正相关的,部分站点的脆弱性较为突出。

    Through the result analysis of railway physical network we can known that , marshalling yards ' degree are greater than average degree of whole network . Betweenness and degree distribution are positively correlated . Some of the marshalling yards have prominent vulnerability .

  8. 介绍了用分形学描述地球物理观测网非均匀分布和联合应用分形特征与Shannon定理确定最佳网格距的方法。

    The methods for using the fractal ity to describe the inhomogeneous distribution of the measuring stations of geophysical network and for using both the fractal characterization and Shannon ′ s theorem to determine the optimum grid interval are reported .

  9. 从技术上讲,我们可以创设情景、提供资源,建设物理STS教育网。

    Technically , we can make scenes , provide resources , build physics STS education networks .

  10. 提出了一种基于Petri网的生产车间物料运输系统Petri网模型,可以将该系统的物理过程通过网系统形象地表示出来,并反映出系统的动态特性。

    Based on Petri Net , a model of material transportation system for workshop is established . According to the net system , the physical process of material transportation system can be showed in a good graphic representative , and the model gives much more detail about dynamic property .

  11. 中国和国际物理教育合作网的比较与分析

    Comparison and analysis of scientific collaboration networks in physics education between China and overseas

  12. 基于物理模型的渔网网衣动态模拟与可视化研究

    Dynamic simulation and visualization of fishing nets based on a physical model

  13. 它们感知物理世界,在网内处理这些数据,然后使用无线多跳的方式与基站进行通信。

    WSNs are used to collect information from physical world , they sense physical world , process intra-net data , and then transmit the information to the base station by multi-hop .

  14. 它采用模块化结构设计,物理网络分主干网和区域子网2层,并将向准网格状网络拓扑演进,网络层以X。

    It is designed with a modular structure , and its physical network consists of the backbone and regional subnetworks , and is evolving towards a quasi-grid network . The network layer is based on the X.

  15. 概念教学是否有效,直接影响到学生对于物理知识的理解、整个物理知识网的建构。

    The validity of the concept teaching directly affects the students for the understanding of physical knowledge and for the construction of the whole physical knowledge network .

  16. 无线局域网是实现移动计算网络中移动站的物理层与链路层功能,为移动计算网络提供不可缺少的物理网接口。

    Wireless LAN is one of the key technologies on composing mobile computing network ( MCN ), it completes the function of physical layer and data link layer in mobile station of MCN , and provides physical interface to MCN .

  17. 从理论上讲,应当探索在大学物理中实施STS教育的目标、教学的内容、手段、方法和模式,从技术上讲,可以创设情景、提供资源,建设大学物理STS教育网。

    Theoretically , we should explore the aim , content , method and mode about implementation of STS education in collegial physics education . Technically , we can make scenes , provide resources , build physics STS education networks .