
  • 网络religion of love
  1. 作者通过对平琼家族的惩罚反思了清教徒们违背了爱的宗教理念,从而犯了对人不宽容、对财物贪婪、自以为义的骄傲等罪。

    The author ponders the punishment to Pynchon family and draws the conclusion that the Puritans violates the religion of love . They committed crimes that is intolerant to others , greedy to the property , pride of self-justice and so on .

  2. 简·爱的宗教意识的形成经历了五个阶段。

    The growth of Jane Eyre 's religious consciousness goes through five stages .

  3. 试论简·爱的宗教观&从弗洛伊德心理学对《简·爱》进行解读宗教信仰大学生的心理幸福感及其影响因素研究

    On Jane Eyre s Religious Outlook ; The Study of Psychological Well-Being of College Students and Its Influence Factors from the Perspective of Having Religious Beliefs or Not

  4. 正是由于他们无法正确解决人的问题,费尔巴哈最终走入了要在人间建立爱的宗教,而老庄则走入了无我之境,这样,唯心主义占据了整个空间。

    It is due to their inability to correctly address the issues about man that Feuerbach at last get involved in the religious thought of producing love among human beings and Lao-Zhuang in the no-self situation , subsequently , theism predominates .

  5. 我爱所有的宗教,但我钟爱我自己的信仰。

    I love all religious but I am in love with my own .

  6. 我们实需要一种美和爱的新的宗教

    We Definitely Need a New Religion of Beauty and Love

  7. 进而建立美与爱的新的宗教,试图通过文学经典重造来实现社会重造、民族重造、生命重造。

    He found love and god from living . He established a new religion of beauty and love by trying to recreate the literary classics to achieve national and life reestablishment .

  8. 他说:他爱的唯一情人是宗教。

    He said the church was the only mistress of his affections .

  9. 爱是最便宜的宗教信仰。

    Love is the cheapest of religions .

  10. 在批判宗教神学及形式的过程中,乔治·艾略特逐步形成了自己以人为本和以爱为核心的基本宗教思想。

    In the process of denying religious theology and formalism , George Eliot establishes her basic religious ideas centered on human beings and love .

  11. 她的宗教是一切从感情出发,以人为本,以爱为核心,建立在爱的基础上的宗教。

    Her religion is one which starts from the emotion , people-oriented , with love as the core , and built on the " love " .