
ài shā ní yà
  • Estonia;Esthonia
爱沙尼亚[ài shā ní yà]
  1. 爱沙尼亚称其也计划就独立问题进行全民公决。

    Estonia said it too planned to hold a referendum on independence .

  2. 爱沙尼亚努力发展与西欧国家的友谊。

    Estonia has done much to cultivate the friendship of western European countries .

  3. 爱沙尼亚议会已经通过了宣布共和国完全独立的决议。

    The Estonian parliament has passed a resolution declaring the republic fully independent

  4. 爱沙尼亚政府的观点和李普马的想法相去不远。

    The view of the Estonian government does not diverge that far from Lipmaa 's thinking

  5. 在1942年德军侵占爱沙尼亚期间,普里学得了一口流利的德语。

    Prii had become fluent in German during the Wehrmacht 's occupation of Estonia in 1942

  6. 爱沙尼亚人总是在海上漂泊。

    The Estonians have always been seafarers .

  7. 爱沙尼亚正在向市场经济转轨。

    Estonia is switching to a market economy

  8. 外界指责俄罗斯也曾在2007年对爱沙尼亚发动了网络攻击,爱沙尼亚不得不向北约(nato)求援。

    Russia was also blamed for a 2007 cyber-assault on Estonia , which asked NATO for help .

  9. 难怪欧盟委员会预测,2009年拉脱维亚GDP可能会萎缩13%,而立陶宛和爱沙尼亚将分别缩水11%。

    No wonder the Commission forecasts that GDP may shrink by 13 per cent in Latvia , 11 per cent in Lithuania and 10 per cent in Estonia in 2009 .

  10. 而在爱沙尼亚塔林(Tallinn)的寓所,带有一间桑拿浴室。

    their apartment in Tallinn , Estonia , had a sauna .

  11. 爱沙尼亚和南面的波罗的海国家拉脱维亚(Latvia)以及东面的俄罗斯陆上接壤。

    Estonia has land borders with its fellow Baltic country Latvia to the south and Russia to the east .

  12. 周二,一架俄罗斯海上侦察机飞入爱沙尼亚领空。这是自冷战结束以来,俄罗斯政府对北约(Nato)领空的最严重侵犯。

    A Russian maritime spy plane flew into Estonian territory on Tuesday in the most serious violation of Nato airspace by Moscow since the end of the cold war .

  13. 正是爱沙尼亚这种与众不同使LMC吸引各国前往。

    And it is that sort of Estonian quirkiness that gives the LMC its pull .

  14. Skype是一家互联网视频电话公司,当时在伦敦分部和爱沙尼亚的塔林(Tallinn)分部差不多有20名员工。

    The internet video calls company then employed about 20 people across offices in London and Tallinn , Estonia .

  15. 在19世纪,Tartu大学的学者们开始研究爱沙尼亚神话。

    In19th century literates of Tartu University started to study Estonian mythology .

  16. 克鲁恩(货币代码是EEK)是爱沙尼亚的官方货币。

    The kroon ( currency code EEK ) is the official currency of Estonia .

  17. 波罗的海各小国的数据格外反常:欧盟委员会预计,2007年至2009年间,拉脱维亚的经常账户赤字下降了GDP的21%,爱沙尼亚与立陶宛分别为17%和13%。

    The figures for the tiny Baltic states are extraordinary : reductions in current account deficits forecast by the Commission of 21 per cent of GDP for Latvia , 17 per cent for Estonia and 13 per cent for Lithuania between 2007 and 2009 .

  18. 爱沙尼亚电脑程序员、Skype的联合创始人扬·塔林(JaanTallinn)也在3月份参加了讲习班。他说讲习班帮助他改进了他的健身计划。

    Another March attendee , Estonian computer programmer and Skype co-founder Jaan Tallinn , says the workshop helped him improve his fitness plan .

  19. 他们在卢森堡的住所,装饰着漂亮的裸露横梁,附带一间阁楼;而在爱沙尼亚塔林(Tallinn)的寓所,带有一间桑拿浴室。

    Their home in Luxembourg had beautiful exposed beams and a loft ; their apartment in Tallinn , Estonia , had a sauna .

  20. 比如,2007年给爱沙尼亚造成严重损失的攻击,就被认为是由支持克里姆林宫的青年团体“纳什”(Nashi)所为。

    A crippling attack on Estonia in 2007 , for example , was attributed to the pro-Kremlin Nashi youth organization .

  21. 据爱沙尼亚公共广播ERR报道,爱沙尼亚文化部宣布,从2016年开始,这个波罗的海国家的政府每年将拨出16万欧元,那些入选的作家和美术家每个人都将获得这笔资金的一部分。

    The ministry of culture in the Baltic state has announced that those selected will each receive a portion of the 160000 euros which will be set aside each year from 2016 , Estonian public broadcaster ERR reports .

  22. 后者,最多说俄罗斯语的少数民族主要居住在首都塔林(Tallinn)和爱沙尼亚东北部的工业城区。

    The latter , mostly Russian-speaking ethnic minorities reside predominantly in the capital city ( Tallinn ) and the industrial urban areas in northeastern Estonia ( Ida-Virumaa county ) .

  23. 而爱沙尼亚正试图改变这一现状。文化部长因德雷克·萨尔(IndrekSaar)说,一次性的艺术补助金通常无法提供的保障,爱沙尼亚提出的薪资建议可以提供。

    That 's something Estonia is trying to change , with Culture Minister Indrek Saar saying that the proposed salary offers security that one-off arts grants do not usually provide .

  24. 当你发现校网球队满是来自爱沙尼亚和乌克兰的新生,他们击球强劲有力,能用一招反手抽击把你打得晕头转向时,你那副威尔逊(Wilson)ProH22系列的球拍很快就变成了你晾晒内衣的架子。

    Your Wilson Pro H22 tennis racquet quickly became a drying rack for your underwear once you found out that the college tennis team was filled with power-hitting recruits from Estonia and the Ukraine who could knock a flash drive off the top of your head with a backhand .

  25. tallink表示,在它的所有航线中,赫尔辛基与爱沙尼亚首都塔林之间的航线吸引的商务旅客最多。

    Tallink says that of all its routes , that between Helsinki and the Estonian capital Tallinn attracts the highest number of business travellers .

  26. 人们认为一部分芬兰民族史实卡勒瓦拉(Kalevala)是起源于爱沙尼亚和一些历史事件,其中的地点和人物也和爱沙尼亚有关。

    Some parts of Finnish epic Kalevala are believed to originate from Estonia and some events , locations and characters may have connections with Estonia as well .

  27. 美国职业社区网站Glassdoor上的招聘专家称,从全球层面上说,爱沙尼亚和挪威的就业前景最为可观,其次是美国、英国、奥地利、丹麦和德国。

    On a global level , Estonia and Norway enjoy the strongest job prospects , followed by the US , UK , Austria , Denmark and Germany , recruitment experts Glassdoor said .

  28. 此外,参加研究的还有Tampere大学、Tartu大学以及来自爱沙尼亚的全国健康发展学会的人员。

    In addition to Stakes , other participants in the trial were the University of Tampere , the University of Tartu and the National Institute for Health Development ( TAI ) from Estonia .

  29. 和厄斯贝里一样,Ferm电动工具世界拉力车队的父子档组合丹尼斯和雷内·奎伯斯也参加了爱沙尼亚拉力赛,不过他们在那并未使用芬兰站中的嘉年华赛车。

    Like Ostberg , FERM Power Tools World Rally Team 's father-and-son duo Dennis and Rene Kuipers competed in Estonia , albeit not on board the Fiesta RS WRCs they will use in Finland .

  30. 爱沙尼亚拥有其引以为豪的1400个湖泊(大部分湖泊很小,最大的是peipus湖,3555平方公里),无数沼泽,全长3794公里的海岸线海湾、海峡和入海口。

    Estonia boasts over 1400 Lakes ( most very small , with the largest , Lake Peipus , being 3555 km ) , numerous bogs , and 3794 kilometers of coastline marked by numerous bays , Straits , and inlets .