
shú xī shuǐ xìnɡ
  • know how to swim well;swim like a fish
  1. 滇池水阔浪大,具有大海的气魄。滇池练就了他熟悉水性、热爱水上生活、喜欢搏击风浪的性格和本领。

    He grew up in Dian Lake which had big tides like ocean , and this got him familiar with water life .

  2. 通过一年来对婴幼儿进行游泳教学和实验研究,初步总结整理出一套适合婴幼儿熟悉水性和学习游泳的基本方法。

    Through about one year of teaching and experiment , a set of basic methods to teach infant swimming and train infant ability in swimming were summed up .