
  • 网络reactivity of coal;reaetivity of coal
  1. 在全氧燃烧过程中,温度和氧气浓度是影响AAEM释放的主要因素,温度升高、氧气浓度增大都能增强煤的反应性,使得煤中可溶性的AAEM的释放率增大。

    The increase of temperature and oxygen concentration can enhance the reactivity of coal , and the release rates of soluble AAEM increase .

  2. 差示热重测量低挥发煤的反应性

    Measuring the Reactivity of Low & volatile Coals by Differential Thermal Gravimetry

  3. 加热速度对煤的气化反应性的影响

    Effect of Heating Speed on Coal Reactivity

  4. 煤的结构和反应性及两者之间的相互关系是煤科学领域内最重要的基础研究内容。

    Coal structure and reactivity and their relationship are the most important field and continuing interest in coal science worldwide .

  5. 煤的孔隙结构与反应性关系的研究进展

    Research development correlation between pore structure and reactivity of coal

  6. 甲醇处理煤的微孔性质及反应性研究

    Study on the micropore property and reactivity of coal treated with methanol

  7. 煤焦油的加氢反应性联二脲缩合工艺的最佳化

    The Hydrogenation of Two Tar from The Coal

  8. 从煤分子结构出发,煤的反应性可以用芳香环,氢化芳香环,烷烃链、烷烃键和含氧官能团的变化来描述。

    From molecule structure of coal , coal reaction character was described by aromatic ring , hydrogenation aromatic ring , alkane , alkane bond , oxy-group .

  9. 量子化学计算方法在煤化学中的应用,已逐步深入到探索煤的结构与反应性之间的关系,逐渐形成了一个新的研究方向。

    The quantum chemistry calculation method has been gradually used to study the correlation between coal structure and reactivity in coal chemistry .

  10. 煤基直接还原过程中,煤种对产品指标影响很大,特别是煤的反应性、灰分和挥发分含量对直接还原的影响较大。

    In the process of coal based DR , the results of the product is greatly affected by the kind of coal , especially its reactivity , content of ash and content of volatile .

  11. 镜质组的液化反应性高于惰质组,在原料煤、镜质组和惰质组这三种实验原料中,原料煤的液化反应性是最高的。

    The hydroliquefaction reactivity of vitrinite is higher than that of inertinite , and the parent coal has the highest hydroliquefaction reactivity among these three feedstocks .

  12. 提出了利用化学族组成研究方法对煤进行分子水平研究的新思路,并建立了煤六组分分离法,为煤的结构和反应性研究提供了一种可行的途径。

    The research on the coal two-step extraction ( 1 ) The coal soluble system is the premise and key to research of the coal chemical group composition .