
hàn zhā
  • welding slag;welding spatter
焊渣[hàn zhā]
  1. 本文研究了焊渣中的FeO含量对熔敷金属硫、磷含量的影响。

    The influence of welding slag oxygenation to melt deposit metal sulfur 、 phosphor content ( thst size showed according to FeO content in slag ) is researched in the article .

  2. 埋弧焊钢管内焊渣皮回收方式探讨

    Discussion on Reclaiming SSAW Pipe Inside Welding Slag

  3. 对焊渣进行了SEM形貌观察和EDS成分分析,并采用氦弧焊证实了焊接过程中焊渣在熔池表面成片分布,电弧斑点极大收缩。

    Then SEM observation and EDS analysis of slag are carried out respectively . Separate distribution of slag on welding pool during welding and great constriction of arc spots are confirmed by TIG welding with helium shielding gas .

  4. 生产效率高,焊接质量好,无明显焊渣。

    High production efficiency , outstanding welding quality without obvious welding slag .

  5. 介绍了几种埋弧焊钢管内焊渣皮回收方式,并分析了各自的优缺点。

    It introduce me many means of reclaiming inside welding slag of SSAW Pipe .

  6. 埋弧焊管内焊渣负压回收式清除装置

    Negative Pressure Collecting Type System for Cleaning of Inner Weld Slag of Submerged Arc Weld Pipe

  7. 新型电焊防护装置还具有防止焊渣飞溅、体积小、使用方便、制作成本低等特点。

    It also has other functions , such as preventing welding dross from splashing , small in shape , low in cost , easy-to use and so on .

  8. 通过喷砂或电动工具除去焊渣、飞溅焊烟、锈迹和焊接部损坏的漆膜。

    Use a blast cleaner or power tool to remove weld flux slag , weld metal spatters , weld flux fume deposits , rust and damaged paint film in welded areas .

  9. 直缝焊管外焊焊渣清理收集机的研制

    Development of Outside Weld Slag Cleaning and Collecting Unit of Longitudinal Welded Pipe

  10. 在690合金焊带电渣堆焊过程中,结晶裂纹是发生最为普遍和影响最为严重的缺陷之一。

    Solidification cracking is a frequent and serious welding defect during 690 alloy electro-slag surfacing process .

  11. 研究了用于T91钢管打底焊的碱性渣系药芯焊丝。

    Basic flux-cored wire for backing weld to T91 tube was studied in this paper .

  12. 高韧性焊缝金属陶质焊剂的物理性能及焊后脱渣性研究

    Research into the Detachability and Physical Property of Agglomerative Flux

  13. 这些焊剂电弧稳定,焊缝成型美观,不易产生气孔、夹杂、裂纹等缺陷,焊缝力学性能满足要求,尤其在深坡口焊时脱渣性能极佳。

    The fluxes have much better properties such as stable arc , smooth bead , without porosities , inclusions and cracks etc.

  14. 将氧-乙炔粉末喷焊技术用于渣浆阀耐磨表面的强化。

    In this paper , the oxyacetylene flame alloying powder spraying technology was used to strengthen the wear-proof surface of slurry valve .

  15. 焊接过程电弧稳定,焊接接头熔合良好,未见裂纹、未焊透、夹渣、气孔等缺陷。

    This process showed a stable arc , good welding joints without any gas pores and cracks .

  16. 另外镁合金焊接过程中还会出现未焊透、夹渣、接头软化等缺陷。

    In addition magnesium alloy welding process is also prone to some defects such as lack of penetration , slag , joint softening .

  17. 因此,断裂可能是由于从塞焊焊缝内的焊渣和气孔外形成的尖锐的疲劳裂纹而产生的。裂缝中封存有焊药是强度不足或断裂的主要原因。

    Thus the fracture likely initiated from fatigue sharpened cracks originating from slag and void in the plug welds . Flux entrapped in the joints is the principal cause of low strength or failure .

  18. 对塞焊焊缝的详细检查表明在焊渣及气孔附近,焊缝中存在着人字型裂纹。

    Close examination of the plug welds showed the existence of herringbone patterns near the slag and voids in welds .

  19. 气电立焊是由普通熔化极气体保护焊和电渣焊发展而形成的一种熔化极气体保护电弧焊方法。

    Electrogas welding is development from a common MIG welding and electroslag welding , and which is one of MIG arc welding methods .

  20. 从有铅到无铅波峰焊的转换过程中,由于钎料锡含量更高,导致波峰焊过程中氧化渣的产生量很大。

    While , the more tin content in the Pb-free solder will lead to more dross during soldering process .