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The Effect of blanching on the Preservation Rate of Vc in Fruit Procession
The optimum blanching temperature and time was 100 ℃ and 30 s , respectively .
Heat treatment can obviously reduce the content of vitamin C.
A Study on Influence of Heat Treatment upon Vitamin C of Large-fruited Chinese Hawthorn
Effects of scalding temperature and time on activity of POD were also significant .
The retention rate of Vc content in microwave blanching can be kept more than 90 % , which is clearly more than that in steam blanching .
This plastic seals used PC for raw materials , through cast a shaped , and can be used hot Dianhualu : , laser jet printing company logo manner With the numbers .
In this paper , the effect of different blanching temperature and blanching methods on the stability of Vc were investigated in the softening process of kiwifruit and strawberry .
Studies on change of AA and DHA and controlling its loss in kiwifruit jam processing showed that microwave blanching could keep higher AA and DHA retention .
Using orthogonal design and synthetically mark , studied the effects of potato varieties ( A ), scalding temperature ( B ), scalding time ( C ) and potato diameter ( D ) on weight loss , hardness , PPO activity and CAT activity .
And the optimal steam blanching time of thawed blackberry was 3 min.
Time is * ( 2 ) blanching at 85 ℃ for 3min ;
Results showed that blanching of stems before squeezing effectively prevented browning , reduced PPO and SNI activities in fresh sugarcane juice .
The techniques of fermentation wine with complex materials of banana and apples have been studied .
The results show that the optimal blanching effects are obtained by using the solution of 0.2 % NaHCO_3 at ( 95 ± 1 )℃ for 50 seconds .
The optimal blanching time and temperature , using clear water as blanching liquid , was determined by following the contents of vitamin C , soluble solid , the activity of peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase at different blanching time and temperature .
Compared with the effect of PPO inhibitor Vc on juice quality , steam blanching was not only able to inactivate PPO , but also good for the recovery of anthocyanins and polyphenolics , improving cloudy juice quality .
The 8s was optimum boiling water blanching treatment time , PPO and POD activity of lychee pericarp were respectively decreased by 65 % and 25 % by 8s boiling water blanching .
The results indicated that the pitching pickle juice , pulp , no evacuation was an optimum processing technology .
The objective of this dissertation was to study the effect of steam blanching on the polyphenol oxidase ( PPO ), and the optimum parameters of steam blanching process were confirmed with blanching for 2 min.
The weights of soluble solids and carotene drawn from per unit weight of carrots were the heaviest when carrots were blanched for 30 min by steam .
When green peas were blanched for 5 min. at 95 , the peroxidase was completely inactivated ; and the activity of residual lipoxidase was about 8 % .
The research results indicated that the mushrooms with cap diameter of about 4 cm blanched in boiling water for 5 min might sufficiently inactivate the activity of polyphenoloxidase of mushrooms .
Blanching blueberry for 2 min was able to inactivate PPO completely , avoid browning , increase anthocyanins and total polyphenolics contents significantly . Furthermore juice from blanched fruits exhibited better blue color and the color was more stable .
Using Zn2 + protects the green , the effect on the alfalfa are all very good , Blanching two minutes in 0.50 % zinc sulfate is the best for protecting green , the polyphenol oxidase and the peroxidase have lost activities completely in this case .
The manufacturing procedure and parameters of the loquat pulp juice processing were established and implemented in industrialization production . The craft parameters were as follows : ( 1 ) blanch at 85 ℃ for 3min ;
Studies on Lipoxidase and Peroxidase Activities of Blanched Green Peas
Study on the stability of aglycones of isoflavones in soybean during boiling
The best processing combination is A 2B 3C 1 .
Influence of Scald Peeling Methods on Some Properties of Pachyrhizus