
rè shuǐ qì
  • heater;hot water heater;geyser
  1. 这里是一个相对简单,电热水器。

    Here is a relatively simple , electric hot water heater .

  2. 对电磁感应即热式热水器的研究

    A Research on the Instantaneous Hot Water Heater Heated by Electromagnetism

  3. 一名男子死于浴室中,死因是吸入燃气热水器中排出的气体导致窒息。

    John Doe died in his bath , asphyxiated by the fumes from a gas water-heater .

  4. 大多数太阳能热水器使用大片的涂成黑色的铝板或合金板来吸收太阳的热量。

    Most solar heating systems use large aluminum or alloy sheets , painted black to absorb the sun 's heat .

  5. 小型一体化CO2冷媒热泵热水器的开发

    Development of Compact Integral Heat-pump Water Heating System using CO_2 Refrigerant

  6. 热水器R托冲压工艺与模具设计研究

    Pressing Technology and Die Design of R - supporter

  7. 水冷式跨临界CO2商用热泵热水器实验研究

    Experimental Study on Commercial Water Source Heat Pump with Transcritical CO_2 Cycle

  8. 跨临界循环CO2热泵热水器研究进展

    Research Development of Transcritical CO_2 Heat Pump Cycle for Simultaneous Cooling and Heating

  9. CO2热泵热水器的应用与发展

    Application of CO_2 heat pump in water heater system

  10. 燃气热水器浓淡燃烧低NOx燃烧器的模拟分析

    Simulation of Low NO_x Burner with Rich and Lean Combustion of Gas Water Heater

  11. 燃气快速热水器CO排放的研究

    Research on Gas Water Heater CO Emission

  12. 基于PLC电热水器水箱水位检测系统的设计

    Design of the water level measurement system of the electrical water-heater tank based on PLC

  13. 外省来粤打工人员是急性CO中毒的高发人群,占55.6%;室内冲凉燃汽热水器意外是本地区急性CO中毒的主要原因,占82.1%;

    The indoor water-heater accident is the mainly reason of acute CO poisoning in native area ( 82.1 % );

  14. 本文研究基于CO2工质的热泵热水器热泵电控系统。

    This text research according to CO_2 work of hot pump water - heater the hot pump electricity control system .

  15. 基于IPC机的热水器/两用炉综合性能检测系统

    IPC based Comprehensive Performance Detection System of Water Heater / Dual-purpose Stove

  16. 主要产品以LCD电视机、即热式电热水器、家用制冷电器为主。

    Our main products are LCD TV sets , instant water heater , and household refrigeration appliances etc.

  17. 对CPC太阳能热水器的经济性问题,与其他两种常见的常规能源热水器相比,CPC太阳能热水器具有良好的经济性。

    Compared with other two familiar general energy water-heaters , CPC water-heater was more economical .

  18. 本文首先综合调研了CO2工质热泵热水器的国内外发展状况。

    Firstly , the paper provides an overview of the latest researches on heat pump water heater with refrigerant CO_2 home and aboard .

  19. 分析还发现在热水器中,CO的产生不只是在燃气燃烧过程中,燃烧产生的烟气在与换热器的热交换过程也可影响到CO的生成。

    Not any the combustion progress produces CO , the heat exchange between the water and the fume can also influence it 's produce .

  20. 由于它自身的一些特点,CPC被广泛的用在利用太阳能方面,例如太阳能热水器。

    Because its own character , CPC has been widely used for solar energy such as solar boiler .

  21. 在上述理论方法的研究基础上,对空气源热泵热水器可靠性指标分配系统进行需求和功能分析,在MATLAB平台上开发原型系统,通过一个实例演示该系统的主要功能。

    Based on the above theoretical study , the demands and functions of the reliability allocation system are analyzed . The prototype system is developed on the MATLAB platform .

  22. 最后,提出了我国发展CO2热泵热水器需要解决的技术路线和行业配套设备的生产等问题。

    Moreover , the special technical route and the production of accessory facilities for the development of CO2 heat pump water heaters in China are proposed as well .

  23. R22系统COP高于R134a系统23.1%,这为家用热泵热水器系统制冷工质的选择提供参考。

    It can provide reference on the choice of refrigerating medium in the household heat pump water heater .

  24. 本文围绕带喷射器的CO2热泵热水器系统展开研究,主要内容如下:1、对喷射器的工作原理进行热力学分析,以等压混合理论为基础,应用气体动力学原理建立了喷射器的一维计算模型。

    The main researches of this thesis are as follows : 1 . Analyze the thermodynamic process on the ejector . A constant pressure mixing model for ejector is established by the aerodynamics method . 2 .

  25. A.O.史密斯热水器中国市场营销策略研究

    Marketing Strategy Study for A.O. Smith Water Heater in Chinese Market

  26. 土&气型地源热泵技术在唐山学院北校区主楼工程的应用基于CO2工质的热泵热水器可以为厨房、浴池和地热提供热水。

    Technology Application of Soil-air Type Land Source Hot Pump in Main Building Engineering of Tangshan Institute North School Region Can be the kitchen , public baths and subterranean heat to provide hot water according to the hot pump water - heater of the CO_2 work .

  27. 实验结果表明,实验热泵热水器样机可在45min内将85kg水从18℃加热至出水温度50℃;

    The experimental results indicate that in about 45 minutes the temperature of water by weight of 85 kg was risen from 18 ℃ to 50 ℃ .

  28. 万和热水器常见故障:1、不能点火。

    Vanward water heater common faults : 1 , not ignition .

  29. 燃气热水器地板辐射供暖的经济性分析

    Economic Analysis of Radiant Floor Heating System by Gas Water Heater

  30. 太阳能热水器支架弯曲成形机的设计

    The Design of Bending Forming Mill of Solar Energy Water-heater Support