
  • 网络Monsoon;tropical monsoon
  1. 两支热带季风在100-120°E之间热带地区对峙,有利于引发热带季风涌入中国大陆并发生暴雨。

    The confrontation of two tropical monsoon in the tropics between 100 ° E and 120 ° E is favourable for them into Chinese continent and generate heavy rainfall there .

  2. 采用欧洲中心格点资料分析发现,最初影响东亚的热带季风是源于75°~90°E地区的近赤道强西风。

    An analysis of ECMWF data shows that the tropical summer SW monsoon , which firstly reaches East Asia in Mid-May , comes from the strong equatorial westerlies ( SEW ) near 75 °~ 90 ° E.

  3. 副高脊线附近伴随的次级环流,即副热带季风环流圈(STMC),以及高层为辐合和下沉运动距平,非常有利于副高的强度偏强。

    Subtropical monsoon circulation ( STMC ) which is accompanying around ridge line of subtropical high and upper convergent departure are both helpful for subtropical high to be stronger .

  4. 热带季风带来了充沛的雨量

    they bring with them the moisture of the tropical monsoon .

  5. 东亚副热带季风特征及其指数的建立

    Characteristics of East Asian Subtropical Monsoon Index and Its Definition

  6. 我国热带季风区的林-胶-茶生态模式

    The " trees-rubber - tea " ecological model in the Chinese tropical monsoon region

  7. 其中包括干旱、洪灾、暴风、强劲的热带季风和大火灾。

    These include droughts , floods , windstorms , strong tropical winds and wildfires .

  8. 热带季风爆发前云南雨季的天气学特征

    The synoptic features of rain season in Yunnan Province before outbreak of tropical monsoon

  9. 春季东亚副热带季风降水的诊断分析和数值模拟

    East Asian Subtropical Monsoon Precipitation in the Spring of Diagnostic Analysis and Numerical Simulation

  10. 高层辐散对热带季风发展的作用

    Effects of Divergent Fields in the Upper Troposphere to the Development of Summer Monsoons in East Asia

  11. 最后分析了热带季风低频振荡与梅雨活动的可能联系。

    Besides , the possible relationship between the LFO of the tropical monsoon and Meiyu occurrence is discussed .

  12. 而南海热带季风环流与源于澳大利亚的跨赤道气流,南支高空东风相联系。

    Whereas the monsoonal circulation in the tropical South China Sea is related to the cross - equatorial current from Australia and the southern upper Easterlies .

  13. 后者和经典模式不同,推断主要受副副热带季风环流的作用,并且副热带季风环流有超前副高进退的指示意义。

    It is inferred that the ridge is subject to subtropical monsoon circulation , which is early indicative of the advance and retreat of the high .

  14. 越南北部属热带季风气候,受东南亚季风影响明显,雨量充沛,气温高,植被发育。

    Northern Vietnam is controlled by a humid tropical climate which is heavily influenced by Southeast Asia monsoon , and characterized by rich rainfall and high temperature .

  15. 海陆热状况异常与东亚夏季副热带季风的关联副热带高空急流各中心强度时间变化及分析

    Relationship of Land-Sea Thermodynamic Anomaly and East Asian Summer Subtropic Monsoon ; The seasonal , interannual and interdecadal variations of the intensity of different subtropical upper jet-stream centers

  16. 这5个区域也可分别称为热带季风区、副热带季风区和温-寒带季风区。

    Therefore , they can be called the tropical monsoon region , ( two ) subtropical monsoon regions , and ( two ) middle-high latitude monsoon regions respectively .

  17. 副热带季风环流与源于南亚副热带地区的偏南风,北支高空东风相联系;但天龙山岩体明显偏北,大有脱离东西向分布向北东飘移之势。

    The subtropical monsoonal circulation is associated with the Southerlies from the subtropical South Asia and the northern upper Easterlies ; But Tianlongshan body is obviously northward drift .

  18. 结果表明,模式成功模拟出对流层低层的季风系统,包括经典的热季风以及副热带季风和温寒带季风。

    The result indicates that the model successfully simulates the monsoon system in the lower troposphere including the classic tropical monsoon , the subtropical monsoon and the temperate-frigid monsoon .

  19. 指出由南海热带季风指数和沃克环流指数之差表征的热带环流强度指数与我国夏季降水,尤其是与长江流域降水有密切的关系;

    TCIX , which is the difference between STMI and WKCI , has a close relation with the summer precipitation in China , especially in the Yangtze River basin .

  20. 越南地处北回归线以南,高温多雨,属热带季风气候;每年平均有六次台风袭击越南沿海地区。

    Having hot and rainy tropical monsoon climate , Vietnam is located in the south of the Tropic of Cancer . There are six typhoons annually in coastal areas in Vietnam .

  21. 南亚次大陆、印度半岛位于赤道以北,北回归线以南,属热带季风气候区和热带森林气候区。

    The South Asian subcontinent , the Indian peninsula is located north of the equator , south of the Tropic of Cancer , has a tropical monsoon climate of tropical forest areas and climatic zones .

  22. 可以认为,西双版纳地区降雨既有热带季风气候的特征,也有其自身的特点,由此带来的森林水文生态效应值得探讨。

    As a result , the rainfall in Xishuangbanna have the not only characteristics of tropical monsoon climate , but also its own traits , so it is necessary to research on eco-hydrological effect in local forest ecosystem due to the input of rainfall .

  23. 山地雨林是热带北缘季风气候的地带性森林类型。

    Montane rain forest is a zonal forest type in the northern tropical monsoon climate .

  24. 东亚冬、夏古季风变化的相位差及热带太平洋在季风变化中的驱动作用

    Phase-difference between summer and winter paleomonsoon variations over East Asia and the tropical Pacific forcing of monsoon evolution

  25. 北半球夏季西北太平洋热带地区西南季风强弱变化与南半球环流型的关系

    The relationship between the intensity of summer southwest monsoon over Northwest Pacific and the circulation patterns of the southern hemisphere

  26. 影响广西的热带气旋与热带季风的某些关系

    Relationships between Tropical Cyclone Affecting Guangxi and Tropical Monsoon

  27. 热带海洋对南亚季风和太平洋信风强迫的几种响应模态

    Several Response Modes of Tropical Ocean to the Southern Asia Monsoon and the Pacific Trade Wind Forcing

  28. 应用动力学分析和数值计算的方法讨论了热带海洋对南亚季风和太平洋信风强迫的几种响应模态。

    By using dynamical and numerical methods , several response modes of tropical ocean to the southern Asia monsoon and the Pacific trade wind forcing are discussed .

  29. 三条波包大值带的不同配置和维系可能反映了副热带高空急流、季风环流系统的维系的过程。

    Different collocation and maintenance of these three wave packets zone with great values may reflect the course of maintenance between subtropical upper-level jet and monsoon circulation .

  30. 海南地处热带,属于热带季风气候,水域资源辽阔,全年暖热,雨量充沛,藻种繁多,气候条件适宜藻类生长。

    Hainan is located in the tropics , a tropical monsoon climate , the vast water resources , the annual warmed , abundant rainfall , the algae is so much variety , climatic conditions suitable for algal growth .