
shāo chuān
  • burning through;burnthrough
烧穿[shāo chuān]
  1. 介绍了SF6气体绝缘金属封闭开关设备发生内部故障电弧的危害,分析了发生故障时电弧使壳体烧穿及气压升高使壳体爆裂的产生机理,从而提出了在设计上应采取的措施。

    This paper introduces the dangers caused by internal fault arc in GIS and discusses the mechanism of metal tank burning through and exploding , then proposes the improvement in design .

  2. 介绍了在役焊接修复过程中存在的问题(烧穿和氢致裂纹),修复方法,国内外研究现状,焊接方法及焊接材料。

    And the existing problems such as burning through and hydrogen Induced Cracking ( HIC )), repairing methods , present research status of abroad and domestic , and welding methods and welding material are introduced .

  3. 烧穿的线圈应换新的。

    The burnt coil should be renewed .

  4. SiNx烧穿工艺下硅太阳电池结构研究

    Study on monocrystalline silicon solar cell by co - firing process

  5. 由Ni-Cr合金制成的燃烧室壁,在烃燃料燃烧的气氛中产生金属外逸型坑点状破坏,严重时可烧穿。

    The burning chamber made of Ni-Cr alloy , can be destroyed under the incompletely burning condition of hydrocarbon fuel . The wall of the burning chamber was pitted at the beginning then gradually burnt through .

  6. GIS内部故障电弧会导致壳体熔融甚至烧穿,电弧能量会使SF6气体温度升高从而导致压力升高致使壳体塑性变形甚至爆炸。

    GIS internal fault arcs cause shell in molten state or burn out . Arc energy will make temperature and pressure of the SF6 gas increase , causing shell plastic deformation even explosions .

  7. 解决YSP-50型液化石油气钢瓶瓶体纵焊缝焊接烧穿问题

    Resolution to the Burned-out Problems of the Vertical Welding Line of YSP-50 LPG Steel Bottle

  8. 在役管道焊接中烧穿管壁现象分析

    Burn Through Wall Thickness Phenomenon Analysis During Welding on Service Pipeline

  9. 那扇门随时可能被烧穿。

    They 're gonna burn through that door any time now .

  10. 固体火箭发动机喷管烧穿故障的试验分析

    The analysis of failure of nozzle BURNED-THROUGH in solid rocket motor test

  11. 铅锌烧结过程烧穿点的集成预测模型

    An integrated prediction model for burn-through-point in lead-zinc sintering process

  12. 重点介绍了4号高炉炉底烧穿的原因、处理及维护。

    The disposal of bottom burn-out of No.4 BF was introduced particularly .

  13. 笔头会烧穿白纸,留下一个浅浅的轮廓。

    The tool will burn through the paper and leave a faint outline .

  14. 是否是其中一个助推火箭的外壳因某种原因被烧穿?

    Did one of the solid rocket boosters somehow burn through its casing ?

  15. 一个视野,如果我让它烧穿我的视网膜…

    A visual , that if I let it burn through my retinas ...

  16. 高压加氢装置管线烧穿事故分析

    Accident analysis of pipeline perforation due to burn in high pressure hydrocracking plant

  17. 防止薄板手工电弧点焊烧穿的焊接电流控制电路

    A Welding Current Controlling Circuit for Preventing Burning Through in Spot Welding of Thin

  18. 竖炉混气室顶部和预热带炉皮钢板烧穿的处理

    Treatment of burning-through of gas mixing room top and preheating zone casing of vertical shaft

  19. 所有病例均在显微镜下接受简单的鼓膜烧穿。

    All of these cases received a simple cauterization of the ear drum under the microscope .

  20. 0.35μm强激光对金平面靶烧穿厚度的测量

    Measurement of ablated thickness of Au plane targets by 0 35 μ m high power laser

  21. (头发)未梳理过的。铅锌烧结过程烧穿点的集成预测模型

    ( of hair ) not combed . An integrated prediction model for burn-through-point in lead-zinc sintering process

  22. 但在它烧穿地板之前,有个人在它底下扔了个装满水的气球。

    Before it can burn its way through the floor , someone throws a water balloon under it .

  23. 一位提供消息的人说,烧穿点可能发生在火箭的第三和第四部分之间的焊接点上。

    A source said the burn-through probably occurred at a seal point between the booster 's third and fourth sections .

  24. 为了避免烧穿管道,火焰应该持续移动,不要停留在任何固定点上。

    To avoid burning through tube , the flame should be in continuous motion and not allowed to remain on any one point .

  25. 工业锅炉产生硅酸盐烧穿水管的事故分析&水质处理是锅炉安全经济运行的重要保证

    Accident Analyze of Silicate from Industrial Boiler Burning out Water Pipe Water Treatment is the Important Guarantee of Boiler 's Safe and Economic Operation

  26. 火场中经常有薄壁结构,比如吊顶和分隔墙等,它们烧穿的时候对火灾发展影响很大。

    There are thin walls in fire scene , such as ceiling and partition , which change the fire process when they are burning though .

  27. 基于功率准则和信息准则,建立了该系统的抗干扰评估模型,即指令传输系统相对烧穿距离和误码率变化率,提出了指令传输系统相对烧穿距离的概念。

    Based on power criterion and information criterion , anti-jamming evaluation model is presented , which is relative burn-through range and error rate of instruction transmission system .

  28. 在避免烧穿的前提下增大焊接电流能够减小硬度、减少上贝氏体,从而降低氢致开裂敏感性。

    The increase of weld current can reduce the hardness and the content of upper bainite , and lower the sensibility of hydrogen cracking of the joints .

  29. 核事故中真正可怕的不是放射性尘埃而是堆芯熔毁,堆芯熔毁能够烧穿地表并渗入地下水。

    The truly fearful event in a nuclear accident , then , isn 't fallout but meltdown , where the core burns through the floor and suffuses the water table .

  30. 尼维尔却不知道鼓捣了些什么,他居然把谢默斯的大汽锅烧穿了,他们偎着的药汁顺着地势到处流,在同学们的鞋子上烫出一个又一个小洞洞。

    Neville had somehow managed to melt Seamus 's cauldron into a twisted blob , and their potion was seeping across the stone floor , burning holes in people 's shoes .