
  • scone;Naan;flapjack
烤饼 [kǎo bǐng]
  • [scone] 一种源于英国的快速焙烤食品,享有盛名。配料为大麦或燕麦面粉、苏打、糖和盐

  1. 第二天早上,我没去Margaux用早餐,只是从大堂的咖啡厅里带了杯拿铁咖啡和一块新鲜甘蓝切达奶酪烤饼。

    The next morning , I skipped breakfast at Margaux , grabbing a latte and fresh kale Cheddar scone from the lobby coffee shop and sprawled out in the lounge .

  2. 再吃烤饼我有点伤神了。我们走吧。

    I 'm a little traumatized to have a scone . let 's move .

  3. 她烘制了烤饼和蛋糕供客人享用。

    She makes scones and cakes for the delectation of visitors .

  4. 她端进来一只盘子,里面盛满了精美的三明治、烤饼和蛋糕。

    She brought in a tray heavy with elegant sandwiches , scones and cakes .

  5. 我们一边喝茶吃烤饼一边聊天。

    We chatted over tea and scones .

  6. 她吃了一些涂满了黄油的烤饼。

    She ate scones thick with butter .

  7. 你也可以做葡萄干烤饼。

    You can also make raisin scones .

  8. 夹有凝脂奶油和果酱的烤饼

    scones and jam with clotted cream

  9. canapés:[法语](加有肉、鱼、干酪等的)小块面包或薄饼huge:巨大的success:成功这夹心烤饼实在太棒了,save:保留我给你留了一个Blair我现在还不饿。

    Eleanor : The canap é s were a huge success . I saved one for you , Blair . - Blair : I 'm not really hungry . -

  10. 按每一件你曾用手和薄烤饼。

    Press each piece with your hand and get a pancake .

  11. 我将出售英国的茶和烤饼。

    I would like to sell tea and scones from England .

  12. 您能教我怎样做烤饼吗?

    Will you teach me how to make scones , please ?

  13. 呃,我喜欢薄烤饼,苜蓿芽,柠檬水。

    Well , I like pancakes and alfalfa sprouts and lemonade .

  14. 格蕾丝女士当时正在她的法拉利旁大嚼烤饼。

    Ms Grace was munching a toasted crumpet beside her Ferrari .

  15. (印度)在煎锅里做成的平的薄烤饼似的面包。

    ( India ) flat pancake-like bread cooked on a griddle .

  16. 食品将是烤饼,饮料将是茶。

    The food will be scones and the drink will be tea .

  17. 他倒了些咖啡,吃了点蜂蜜和烤饼。

    He poured coffee and took some scones and honey .

  18. 吃烤饼时先要整体涂满黄油,食用前再切开。

    Crumpets are buttered whole and then cut before eating .

  19. 你能弄点那种碎巧克力烤饼。

    Do you think you can make those crazy chocolate chip pancakes .

  20. 当然我会教你怎样做烤饼。

    Of course . I 'll teach you how to make scones .

  21. 我喝完茶吃完烤饼就马上跑过来了。

    I finished my tea and scones and came immediately .

  22. 热腾腾的鸡肉汤配上蒸米,或者印度烤饼。

    Serve hot with freshly cooked basmati rice , or naan bread.Enjoy !

  23. 卡罗尔,你为吉姆办的聚会烤饼了吗?

    Carol , did you bake the cake for Jim 's party ?

  24. 预热烤箱的时候,准备好烤饼。

    While the oven 's heating prepare the scones .

  25. 必取你们的女儿为他制造香膏,作饭烤饼。

    He will take your daughters to be perfumers and cooks and bakers .

  26. 在煎锅里做成的薄烤饼似的玉米面包(主要在新英格兰)。

    Cornbread usually cooked pancake-style on a griddle ( chiefly New England ) .

  27. (墨西哥)用玉米粉或小麦粉未经发酵做成的薄烤饼。

    ( Mexico ) thin unleavened pancake made from cornmeal or wheat flour .

  28. 有烤饼和黑莓酱吗?

    And would there be scones and blackberry jam ?

  29. 嗯,你有没有自己做过烤饼吃?

    Well , have you ever made a pancake ?

  30. 真难以置信你让她给我们做烤饼。

    I can 't believe you 're letting that woman make us pancakes .