
  • 网络tobacco redrying
  1. 某烟叶复烤厂职业危害的卫生学评价

    Hygienic evaluation on the occupational hazards of a tobacco redrying factory

  2. 按照企业电控技改的原则,对烟叶复烤厂技改中生产线的电气控制方案进行综合分析和评价,以选择出最适合企业的控制形式。

    According to the technical reconstruction principle of electric control system , electric control schemes of processing line in tobacco redrying factory were comprehensively analyzed and assessed in order to single out the most suitable control model .

  3. 烟叶复烤过程具有时滞、不确定、非线性特性,仅利用常规PID控制不能使复烤过程的各项性能指标满足要求。

    There is lagging uncertainty and nonlinear in the process of re-baking of tobacco leaf , so it is unable to satisfy every performance target only by usual controlling method .

  4. 基于Interbus总线的烟叶复烤控制系统设计

    Interbus-Based Control for Tobacco Leaf Redrying

  5. 烟叶复烤生产线中柜式定量称重系统的开发应用

    Development and Application of Silo Weigher in Tobacco Leaf Redrying Line

  6. 烟叶复烤过程控制的应用研究

    The Application of Control of the Repeated-baking Course of Tobacco Leaf

  7. 烟叶复烤行业发展现状与对策研究

    Paradigm on the Development of Leaf Tobacco Threshing & Redrying Enterprises

  8. 某烟叶复烤厂技改车间劳动卫生学调查

    Industrial Hygiene Investigation of a Technique-improving Workshop in a Tobacco-baking Factory

  9. 师宗烟叶复烤厂消防给水设计

    Design of Firefighting Water Supply for Shizong Tobacco Redrying Factory

  10. 烟叶复烤工艺及自动控制系统的研制

    Technology of re-baking of tobacco leaf and development of its automatic control system

  11. 烟叶复烤机智能控制系统

    The Intelligent Control System for Tobacco Re-dryer

  12. 该项目已通过安徽省十五科技攻关项目鉴定组的鉴定,并投入涡阳烟叶复烤厂现场使用,效果反映良好。

    This project has passed the identification by appraisers , and has been used in the factory and been proved to be satisfying .

  13. 应用结果表明:该控制系统达到了烟叶复烤机连续稳定运行、节能降耗和在线维护维修的目标;

    The practical application shows that this control system has met the design requirements of continuous and stable operation , energy-saving , cost-reducing and on-line maintenance .

  14. 高温、真空回潮及烟叶复烤杀虫工艺研究打叶复烤烟叶化学成分在线检测和成品质量控制

    Research on Pest Control with High Temperature , Vacuum Conditioning and Redrying On-line chemical determination in threshing and redrying process and its application in quality control

  15. 本文系统地论述了烟叶复烤机智能控制系统的构成、基本功能、硬件结构、软件结构及实施方案;

    In this paper , the construction , basic function , hardware and software compositions and practicing scheme of the tobacco re-dryer intelligent control system are discussed systematically .

  16. 本论文系统地论述了烟叶复烤机模糊控制系统的设计原理、基本功能等,并对复烤机模糊控制的实现进行了研究。

    This article discuss the design principles and basic functions of fuzzy control system to tobacco redryer in details . It also research the realize of fuzzy control redryer .

  17. 此方法在笔者研制开发的YWS96-B型烟叶复烤机控制系统上进行了实践和验证,收到较好的效果。

    This method developed on " YWS96-B 's mould tobacco leaf is repeatedly baked the control system " having carried on the practice with verifying , and being received better effect .

  18. 烟叶复烤机是复烤生产线上的主要设备,它的主要用途是对打叶分离之后的烟叶片进行复烤处理,使烟叶片的水分、湿度达到规定的工艺技术指标;

    Tobacco re-dryer , which is chiefly applied to roast the tobacco that is separated into leaf and stem so that the tobacco moisture is controlled at the range of technology demand , is main equipment in re-drying tobacco produce process .

  19. 烟叶在叶片复烤机干燥过程中的传热传质研究

    Research on the Heat Transfer and Mass Transfer of Tobacco During Drying Process in Tobacco Redryer

  20. 烟叶的生产和加工是烟草行业发展的基础,烟叶复烤企业是烟叶加工的主力军和烟草大家庭的重要一员,其发展维系着整个烟草行业的发展。

    The growing and processing of leaf tobacco is the basic part of China 's tobacco industry , while the leaf tobacco threshing redrying enterprises are the major force of tobacco processing and an important member of the tobacco industry .