
zhú ɡuānɡ wǎn cān
  • candlelight dinner
  1. 一班欢快的营地工作人员用烛光晚餐来欢迎我们。

    A cheerful staff greeted us with a candlelight dinner .

  2. 他有带?去烛光晚餐吗?

    Did he take you to a candlelight dinner ?

  3. 他仍然会找时间为女友准备烛光晚餐,制造浪漫。

    He still finds time for romance by cooking candlelit dinners for his girlfriend

  4. 他们共进烛光晚餐。

    They dined by candlelight .

  5. 只有我们两个人和她那讨厌的小狗Pepper,那天晚上我做了一顿烛光晚餐…

    Just me , her , and her annoying little dog Pepper . Well that night , I cooked this really romantic dinner ....

  6. 这家餐馆是吃烛光晚餐的好地方。

    The restaurant is a wonderful setting for a candlelit dinner .

  7. 烛光晚餐?吃完了就没有了。

    Candle power dinner ? Ate to be done not have .

  8. 你陪他在公园吃烛光晚餐?

    You made him a candle light dinner in the park ?

  9. 为他准备他最爱的菜肴和烛光晚餐。

    Cook his favorite dinner and serve it by candlelight .

  10. 相反,你可以在家布置独一无二的烛光晚餐。

    Rather , you can arrange your own candle-lit dinner at home .

  11. 他们两人共进了一顿浪漫的烛光晚餐。

    They had a romantic candlelit dinner for two .

  12. 喜欢烛光晚餐和休·格兰特的电影

    candlelit dinners , and Hugh Grant movies . "

  13. 所以,不要再抵触烛光晚餐啦。

    So don 't swear off candle-lit dinners yet .

  14. 我们怎么渡过今晚,要不来个烛光晚餐?

    What do say we go out tonight , have a quiet dinner ?

  15. 我陪你在公园吃过烛光晚餐啊

    Well , I made you a candle light dinner in the park .

  16. 她喜欢烛光晚餐的浪漫。

    She loves the romance of dining by candlelight .

  17. 听着轻柔的音乐吃一顿烛光晚餐,然后漫步回家。

    a little candlelight dinner , soft music , and a slow walk home .

  18. 女孩们总是喜欢浪漫的事物:玫瑰,烛光晚餐,英俊的帅哥等等。

    Girls purchase all romantic things : roses , candle dinner , handsome guy etc.

  19. 男人讨好女人的传统方式除了送花、送巧克力就是送上烛光晚餐。

    Traditionally men have used flowers , chocolates and romantic dinners to woo a woman .

  20. 多谢毁了我昨晚的烛光晚餐。

    For ruining my dinner last night .

  21. 有烛光晚餐,鲜花、香槟。

    A candlelight dinner with flowers champagne .

  22. 烛光晚餐?那是什么东西?

    And what about candlelight dinners ?

  23. 我准备了一顿烛光晚餐。

    I prepared a light supper .

  24. 这可是烛光晚餐啊。

    It 's a candlelight dinner .

  25. 共享烛光晚餐,互相给对方按摩,或者享受温暖的泡泡浴。

    Share a candlelit dinner , give each other massages , and draw a warm bubble bath .

  26. 欢乐的夜晚、气氛.烛光晚餐有氛围,节约用电何乐而不为?

    A convivial evening , atmosphere Improve the ambience and have dinner by candlelight , saving the electricity .

  27. 没有比烛光晚餐更好的了。铺着地毯,一起在地毯上看星星。

    Nothing could be better than a candle-lit dinner , rugged together in a blanket watching the stars .

  28. 烛光晚餐,巧克力干酪,男人可能提议去任何地方,你觉得尴尬吗?

    Candlelit tables , chocolate fondue , and men proposing in every direction -- can you say awkward ?

  29. 上海饮食行业协会认为能同时提供家庭聚会和烛光晚餐的餐馆将赢得市场。

    The Shanghai Restaurants Association said restaurants which cover both family love and lovers'affection will win the market .

  30. 本杰明:亲爱的,你真忘了今天是什么日子了吗?好好想想。这可是烛光晚餐啊。

    Benjamin : Honey , you really forgot about it ? Think it over . It 's a candlelight dinner .