  • fry;stir-fry;roast;scramble;sauté
  • 把东西放在锅里搅拌着弄熟:~菜。~米。~面。~冷饭(喻办事不讲效率,说话做事只是简单地重复过去,没有新的内容)。~鱿鱼(方言,因鱿鱼一炒就卷起来,因以借指卷铺盖,解雇。亦简作“炒”)。

  • 倒买倒卖:~黄鱼(指倒买倒卖黄金)。~地皮。~买~卖(指对股票外汇的买卖)。


(把食物放在锅里加热并随时翻动使熟) stir-fry; fry; sauté:

  • 炒黄瓜

    sautéed cucumber;

  • 炒鸡蛋

    scrambled eggs;

  • 炒肉丝

    stir-fried shredded pork;

  • 蛋炒饭

    rice fried with eggs;

  • 糖炒栗子

    chestnuts roasted in sand with brown sugar

  1. 将蔬菜煸炒至变脆。

    Stir-fry the vegetables until crisp .

  2. 接着放入西兰花和蘑菇,炒2分钟。

    Add the broccoli and mushrooms , and stir-fry for2 minutes .

  3. 她工作干得很差,被炒了鱿鱼。

    Her work was so poor that she was given the sack .

  4. 那个传闻被各家报纸炒得沸沸扬扬。

    The story was blazed all over the daily papers .

  5. 先炒洋葱,然后放进蘑菇。

    First cook the onions , then add the mushrooms .

  6. 把洋葱炒成褐色,然后放进肉。

    Brown the onions before adding the meat .

  7. 把洋葱炒软。

    Fry the onions until they soften .

  8. 用黄油炒洋葱。

    Fry the onions in butter .

  9. 在我对学校午餐的回忆中,印象最深刻的就是蔬菜总是炒过头。

    Overcooked greens are my most vivid recollection of school dinners .

  10. 豆芽只需烹炒一到两分钟。

    Sprouted beans only need to be cooked for 1-2 minutes .

  11. 要是我搞砸了,很可能会被炒鱿鱼。

    If I messed up , I would probably be fired .

  12. 上菜时,把炒好的韭葱覆在鱼上。

    To serve , top the fish with the cooked leeks .

  13. 他估计自己会在约翰逊炒他鱿鱼之前先辞职。

    He figured he would quit before Johnson fired him .

  14. 如果你炒我鱿鱼,我就再也高兴不起来了。

    If you take my work away I can 't be happy anymore

  15. 普罗旺斯杂烩用其他任何油炒出来的味道都不正宗。

    Ratatouille doesn 't taste right with any other oil

  16. 把面包烤一下并炒些鸡蛋。

    Make the toast and scramble the eggs .

  17. 队伍排得有几百码长,票被炒到10英镑一张。

    The queue stretches several hundred yards and tickets are touted for a tenner .

  18. 先将一些洋葱外面炒上焦糖。

    Start by caramelizing some onions .

  19. 炒什么菜啊?好香呀!

    Mmm ! What 's cooking ? It smells delicious .

  20. 他被新来的厂长炒了鱿鱼。

    He was fired by the newly-appointed director .

  21. 这肉炒得很嫩。

    This stir-fried meat is very tender .

  22. 这部电影目前炒得很火。

    The film is being hyped up at the moment .

  23. 一名工人因醉酒而被炒鱿鱼。

    One of the workers was sacked for drunkenness .

  24. 好好的菜让他给炒瞎了。

    He spoiled a good dish .

  25. 青菜不要炒得太老。

    Don 't overcook the greens .

  26. 他炒了老板的鱿鱼。

    He quit the job .

  27. 时菜炒牛肉SautéedBeefwithSeasonalVegetable

    Saut é ed Sliced Beef with Chinese Yam

  28. 扣碗牛肉SteamedBeefinCasserole辣白菜炒牛肉SautéedBeefwithSpicyCabbage

    Saut é ed Shredded Beef with Hot Pepper and Celery

  29. 荔枝炒牛肉SautéedBeefwithLichee

    Saut é ed Sliced Beef with Ginger and Scallion

  30. Lostthedressingroom指全体队员对主教练失去了信心,即将被炒鱿鱼,dressingroom(更衣室)多指球队的全体队员。

    Lost the dressing2 room is a term which describes a manager in a situation where he has lost the confidence of players and is about to be fired ; " dressing room " is an idiom which refers to the players of a team .