
dēng huǒ
  • lights;candlelights
灯火 [dēng huǒ]
  • [candlelights] 泛指亮着的灯烛

灯火[dēng huǒ]
  1. 他们驾车到了屋前时,灯火仍然通明。

    There were lights still ablaze as they drove up to the house .

  2. 夜幕降临,城市中灯火闪烁。

    Night fell and the lights twinkled in the city .

  3. 夜里,这个古老城市的大部分地区灯火通明。

    Much of the ancient city is illuminated at night .

  4. 每个房间都灯火通明。

    Lights are blazing in every room .

  5. 他的房间灯火通明。

    His room was brightly lit .

  6. 入夜,工地上灯火通明。

    When night fell , the construction site was ablaze with light .

  7. 广场上彻夜灯火通明。

    The square was brilliantly illuminated throughout the night .

  8. 这家医院装有备用发电系统以防灯火管制。

    The hospital has an auxiliary power system in case of blackout .

  9. 鸟类在夜间迁徙时,往往会撞到灯火通明的高楼。

    Migrating at night , birds tend to collide with brightly lit tall buildings .

  10. 在灯火通明的高速公路附近的青蛙夜间受到的光照水平比正常情况高出一百万倍,搅乱了它们各方面的行为,包括它们在夜间为了求偶发出的声音。

    Frogs living near brightly lit highways suffer nocturnal light levels that are as much as a million times brighter than normal , throwing nearly every aspect of their behavior out of joint , including   their   nighttime   breeding   choruses .

  11. 宋朝诗人辛弃疾曾写过这样一句词:众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在,灯火阑珊处。

    A line from Xin Qiji , a poet during the Song Dynasty , shows this : Hundreds and thousands of times I searched for her in the crowd.Suddenly I turned , and there she stood , in the dim light .

  12. 6Blackout熄灭;昏厥熄灭灯火或暂时失去知觉。

    This means to , either darkens by putting out or dimming the lights , or to lose consciousness .

  13. 于是,第二列灯火通明的快车又朝着相反的方向轰隆轰隆地开过去。

    And a second brilliantly lighted express thundered by , in the opposite direction .

  14. 这时,一列灯火明亮的快车,雷鸣般地响着,把扳道房震得颤颤悠悠。

    And a brilliantly lighted express train shook the switchman 's cabin as it rushed by with a roar like thunder .

  15. 就当她打算就此放弃,回到灯火通明的体育馆时,她看见了……那,那女孩的浴室!

    Just when she was about to give up and go back to the lighted gym , she saw it ... the girl 's bathroom .

  16. 第四十一条违反本法的规定,擅自举办大型集会、焰火晚会、灯火等群众性活动,具有火灾危险的,公安消防机构应当责令当场改正;

    Article 41 Those who , in violation , fireworks evening party , lantern party with risk of fire disaster , shall be ordered to make corrections by public security fire control institutions ;

  17. n.灯火管制在灯火管制的夜里,街道上不能开灯。

    blackout The streets were not lighted at night during the blackout .

  18. (我对此有些怀疑,但百货商店先驱J•J•森宝利(J.J.Sainsbury)在临终前或许喃喃地表示:让商店灯火通明。)塞尔弗里奇引入了改良后的牙刷,和四分之一缩尺的衬衫。

    ( I am a bit sceptical about this , though the pioneering grocer J.J. Sainsbury is supposed to have died mouthing : Keep the shops well lit . ) Selfridge brought in improved toothbrushes , and shirts in quarter-sizes .

  19. 而到了晚上,当Zoe睡着了,我丈夫Eric,会和我一起出去散散步,手挽着手,欣赏假日里的灯火。

    Then , after Zoe goes to bed in the evenings , my husband , Eric , and I bundle up and head back out for a peaceful stroll to view the holiday lights .

  20. 文艺是引导国民精神的前途的灯火&文艺与生活的关系的再认识

    Literature : A Light Illuminating the Future of the National Spirit

  21. 你不能派人去执行灯火管制吗?

    Will you move men in there to enforce blackout regulations ?

  22. 他们可以看到下面远处的机场灯火通明。

    They could see the airport lit up far below them .

  23. 灯火管制期间,夜晚街道没有照明。

    The streets were not lighted at night during the blackout .

  24. 我总能靠着哈瓦那的灯火回港的。

    I can always come in on the glow from Havana .

  25. 法兰西海岸,灯火闪烁;

    On the French coast the light gleams and is gone ;

  26. 在灯火管制时期驱车于英格兰大地,简直是不可思议的事情。

    Driving through England in the blackout was a weird experience .

  27. 大雪加上灯火管制使得车辆行驶成了危险的事。

    The snow and the blackout combined to make motoring perilous .

  28. 或被虚幻的灯火误导,陷入泥沼。

    Or stray in the marshes , by false lights beguiled .

  29. 那里漂亮极了,灯火通明

    I thought it was beautiful . The lights and everything .

  30. 我们能看到远处的船上灯火闪烁。

    We could see the lights on the distant boats twinkling .