
dēnɡ ɡuānɡ shī
  • lighting engineer;juicer
  1. 在本周的早些时候,这位73岁退休灯光师,在被配合狗仔队拍照的负面新闻缠身以及错过女儿婚礼之后,接受PiersMorgan的独家采访,想要“澄清一切”。

    The retired lighting director , 73 , decided to speak exclusively to Piers Morgan earlier this week to ' set the recod straight ' after negative press surrounding staged paparazzi photos and missing the royal wedding .

  2. 在最近的独立电视台《早安英国》节目中,这位前灯光师说,他被送进了位于墨西哥边境以北几英里的提华纳市的ChulaVista医疗中心,在那里他安装了一个支架。

    During his recent bombshell interview on ITV 's Good Morning Britain , the former lighting director said he was admitted to the Sharp Chula Vista Medical Center , just a few miles north of the Mexican border in Tijuana , where a stent was fitted .

  3. 如果不满意的话,我去告诉灯光师。

    If not , I can tell the lighting crew .

  4. 你知道我是时尚的灯光师

    You know I do lighting for Mode .

  5. 这里更多的是表现作品的内涵以及灯光师、音响师的主观意识。

    More emphasized are the inside of the works , and the subjective ideology of the light or sound technicians .

  6. 灯光师,道具员和灯光助理都是电影布局的工作。那就是你的答案,那就是你的“大喊”。

    Key grip , gaffer and best boy are all jobs on a movie set , that 's your answer and that 's your " Shoutout . "

  7. 这对夫妻说他们想拍摄出壮观的结婚照,于是就和化妆师,灯光师以及专业摄影师来到了这里。

    The couple said they wanted to have spectacular wedding photos , and travelled to the region with a team of make-upartists and lighting experts as well as a professional photographer .

  8. 她们想利用这段时间,在商场内的这座首尔最新的剧场拍些智能手机视频,并向演员、以及灯光师和化妆师索要签名。

    They wanted time to shoot smartphone video of Seoul 's newest theater , built inside a shopping mall , and start scoring autographs : of actors , sure , but lighting operators and makeup artists too .