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miè mén
  • extermination of an entire family
灭门 [miè mén]
  • (1) [an entire family is killed]∶一家人全被杀害

  • (2) [the name of family dies out]∶全家死光

  • 灭门绝户

  1. 命案现场重建解析&7.06灭门惨案现场重建

    Analysis of Homicide Scene Reconstruction & " 7.06 Massacre " Scene Reconstruction Documentary

  2. 青年法律教育的理念误失与重建&福冈灭门公案的法理学议论

    On Legal Education to Young People : Failure and Reconstruction & The Legal Consideration on the Case of Exterminating a Family in Fukuoka , Japan

  3. 缅因州一家五口惨遭枪击灭门,无一幸免,缅因州警方认为凶手是家里人。

    Neighbor struggled to make sense of the shooting death of a family of five in Maine . Investigators do not believe anyone outside the family was involved in the shooting .

  4. 每一个家庭都有孩子,现在的家庭大都是独生子,一旦孩子受到伤害甚至死亡将给家庭带来沉重的打击·甚至是灭门之灾。

    Every family has a child , and now the family are mostly the only son , once the children are hurt or even death will bring a heavy blow to the family , and even " Daughter " of the disaster .