
  • 网络volcanic soil;Bentonite;andosols
  1. 这些特色鲜明的石垒是联合国教科文组织世界遗产(UnescoWorldHeritageSite),它们富含火山土,上面密集地种植着酿造华帝露(Verdelho)干白酒所需的葡萄。

    These distinctive stone-walled lots are a Unesco World Heritage Site , rich with volcanic soil and densely planted with white Verdelho wine grapes .

  2. 在金牌咖啡种植园里,在可纳的肥沃的火山土里,我们精心培育着每一棵第三代咖啡树。

    In the rich volcanic soils of Kona at the Gold Coffee Plantation , we nurture each third generation coffee tree .

  3. 黄土状土和火山灰粘性土的动剪强度研究

    Dynamic Shear Strength of Loessial Soils and Volcanic Cohesive Soils

  4. 长白山天池火山活动区土氡含量测量结果初步分析

    Preliminary analysis of RADON-IN-SOIL in Tianchi Volcanic Area in Changbai mountain , Jilin Province

  5. 其它的属性和可能的应用可以通过添加高炉矿渣、火山灰、火山土、粉煤灰等其它无机矿物来改变。

    Other properties and possible applications can be influenced by the addition of granulated blast-furnace slag , pozzolana , trass , fly ash and other inorganic mineral materials .