- 网络Coalition of the Radical Left

A week later Syriza swept to power in Athens , promising Greek voters that it would oppose EU-mandated reforms and privatisations .
Syriza is as radical as any party to take power within the eurozone .
This hardline stance was confirmed on Wednesday night in a long list of terms presented by Syriza to its EU and IMF creditors , as negotiations to avoid a Greek default and possible exit from the eurozone hung in the balance .
Alex Tsipras , the 37 year old leader of the Syriza Party has vowed to cancel the austerity program insisted on by the European Union in return for financial bailouts .
Among those on the picket line , is Panayiotis Papanikolaou who has worked in the factory for more than 20 years . " Right now , I think most of the workers will support and vote for Syriza , not PASOK or new Democracy , because Syriza supports the workers . "
Some of Syriza 's other ideas are barmy .
Even the Greeks re-elected Syriza after it pragmatically chose austerity and reform instead of Grexit .
Syriza 's rhetoric is still more suited to a university seminar than a serious programme of government .
On this account Syriza would return Greece to the failed clientelism of the past and embolden anti-austerity parties everywhere .
If Syriza can be helped towards implementing the good parts and shelving the bad , Greece may have a brighter future .
His radical leftist coalition , with 162 lawmakers in the 300-seat Parliament , is expected to secure a confidence vote on Tuesday .
But Mr Lafazanis , described by colleagues as " the one genuine communist in the Syriza government , " refuses to budge .
There , Syriza needs allies if it is to take on the oligarchs , restructure its banks and develop a modern system of tax collection .
Syriza 's ascent to power highlights the reality that although the debate about Greece is couched in highly technocratic language , it is in essence thoroughly political .
Syriza should be able to make more progress , simply because it has not yet acquired the deep ties with wealthy interests that bind the traditional parties .
Results from Friday , the last day of polling before the Jun 17th election , shows Syriza and New Democracy which supports the bailout , each holding around 26 % .
The impressive progress made towards cutting Greece 's fiscal and trade deficits is mostly an automatic consequence of the collapse in domestic demand and living standards that brought Syriza to power .
It was right to assume that Greek governments would need external impetus to change , and its creditors are quite entitled to resist the reversal of reform that Syriza has called for .