
  • 网络incentive principle
  1. 基于激励原理的可中断负荷

    Interruptible Load Based on Incentive Principle

  2. 激励原理的产生已有很长一段时间,在国外尤其是西方发达资本主义国家,激励机制在企业中运用较为普遍,也产生了较好的经济效益。

    The incentive principle already for a long time abroad , especially in Western developed capitalist countries , incentives use is more common in the enterprise , but also produce a better economic efficiency .

  3. 运用stackelberg对策论中的激励原理,研究了网络系统交叉干扰的非线性激励价控策略问题。

    Probes into the nonlinear incentive price control strategy of network system cross-interference applying the encouragement principle of Stackelberg 's countermeasure theory .

  4. 在确定性波动有限元分析基础上,结合随机振动分析的虚拟激励原理,可以形成工程场地随机波动分析方法。提出了SH波作用下层状土层地震反应分析的随机波动分析方法。

    A new analysis technique , called random wave analysis method , is developed for the random seismic response analysis of layered soil sites under SH wave excitation .

  5. 圆筒压电振子产生周向行波的激励原理

    Traveling-wave Exciting Principle of Cylindrical Vibrator in Circumferential Direction

  6. 圆筒型行波非接触超声马达的激励原理研究

    Research on exciting principle of circular cylindrical non-contact ultrasonic motor based on travelling-wave

  7. 领导激励原理和方法

    The Principle And Method of Leadership Encouragement

  8. 本文首先对股票期权的理论依据及激励原理进行了剖析,阐述了代理成本论和人力资本产权论。

    Firstly , the paper expounds the basic theories : agent cost theory and human capital ownership theory .

  9. 研究了基于双极性脉冲电流激励原理的微弱电导测量技术。

    Study of measuring weak conductance based on the principle of the bi - directional current pulse technique is carried out .

  10. 介绍了双轴式惯性振动机激励原理和由其产生的激振力的数学表达式。

    This paper simply introduces the excitation principle of an inertia vibrating machine with double axes and the mathematical expression of the excitation force caused by it .

  11. 根据激励原理,在知识经济时代,员工的职业生涯管理已成为企业吸引人才和留住人才的迫切需要。

    According to the inspiration principle , in the knowledge economy age , the profession management of the staff has become the urgent need for a enterprise to attract talents .

  12. 第2章主要从管理经济学的角度对经营者激励原理和激励方式进行了较为详细系统的理论分析,从而导出了短、中、长期的薪酬激励模式;

    The second chapter educes an incentive problem , incentive mechanism and model was analyzed detail by using manage economic knowledge , so the incentive models of short , middle , long term were educed ;

  13. 本文结合有关需求激励原理,从高校教师的一般需求和独特需求出发,设计高校教师的综合激励机制方案。

    On the basement of demand-incentive theory , from the ordinary and special demands of teachers in university , this paper discusses on how to design for the comprehensive incentive mechanisms of teachers in university .

  14. 论文首先分析了经理股票期权的激励原理,指出其实质是一种基于公司资产的看涨期权,是对企业新增利益的分割。

    The dissertation firstly analyzed the incentive principle of executive stock option , pointed out that its essence is one kind of rising option based on company assets ; it is a partition of the newly-increased interests of enterprise .

  15. 本文首先提出了研究的意义和背景,接着分析了人力资源管理的激励原理与运行机制,同时对国内关于国有商业银行激励问题的研究进行了分析。

    First , this article points out the meaning and background of the research , then , this article analyses the incentive principle and it 's mechanism , at the same time , it also analyses the researches about the incentive problem of our state-owned commercial banks in our country .

  16. 基于激励相容原理的大用户直购电模型与机制研究

    Research on Model and Mechanism of Large Consumers Direct-purchasing Based on Incentive Compatibility Principle

  17. 文章对票号独特的用人机制即身股制度进行数量分析,并运用经济学的激励机制原理,将身股制与其他几种激励机制进行比较。

    This paper gives a quantitative research on personal shares , analyzes their characteristics and compares with other incentive mechanism by economic theory of incentive mechanism .

  18. 首先,从激励的原理出发,介绍了国内外的激励理论,包括内容型激励理论、过程型激励理论和行为改造型激励理论。

    At first , motivation theory is introduced since the motivation principle . The content includes : Content-based incentive theory , Process incentive theory and Behavior transforming incentive theory .

  19. 基于双极性脉冲电流激励的原理提出了一种新型的适用于电阻层析成像系统的高速微弱电阻变化测量电路。

    The main works are listed as follows : ( 1 ) Based on the excitation of Bi-directional Current Pulse Technique , a new measuring circuit for weak variation of resistance was proposed for electrical resistance tomography .

  20. 本文研究了摩托车重要振源&发动机的动力学特性,阐明了摩托车发动机对整车振动激励的原理;进行了发动机减振方法的研究,给出了平衡发动机一阶往复惯性力的正反转轮系平衡法。

    This dissertation study on the motorcycle engine dynamic property , and give the principle of the engine excitation . The author describes the balance method of inertial force of engine . By installing balance shaft in the engine , the engine vibration is reduced .

  21. 本文在分析冲击激励试验原理和冲击力频谱的基础上,讨论了力信号的采样和频率混叠、应用抗混叠滤波器的必要性以及采样频率、冲击力持续时间和频率分辨率的选择。

    Based on excitation test principle and frequency spectrum analysis of the shock force , the sampling force signal and aliasing , the necessity of using an anti-aliasing filter , the selection of sampling frequency , the duration of the shock force and frequency resolution are discussed in detail .

  22. 论文在研究超声编码激励技术的原理基础上提出了一种以现场可编程门阵列FPGA为基础的高频超声编码激励方案,并设计了发射接收电路。

    Based on the principles of ultrasonic coded excitation , design a high frequency ultrasound coded excitation circuit system controlled by Field Programmable Gate Array ( FPGA ) .

  23. 基于电子激励解吸附原理的二次电子崩假说

    Mechanism of Secondary Electron Emission Avalanche Based on Electron-stimulated Desorption

  24. 二是多委托人环境下的激励机制设计原理;

    Second , on the principles of incentive mechanism design ;

  25. 对光外差系统的测量原理进行了说明,分析了由激光脉冲激励超声的原理和优点。

    The theory of the optical heterodyne measurement system is expounded and the principle and merit of ultrasound pulse generated by a laser pulse are analyzed .

  26. 分析了相对振动的激励和合成原理,提出了工件和工具同相振动和异相振动、同相域以及相对振动放大因子等概念。

    And the exitation and composition theory of relative vibration are analyzed . The conception of the vibration in phase and out of phase between work-piece and tool and of field in phase , magnification factor are proposed .

  27. 简要介绍多点正弦激励系统的工作原理。

    The working principle of multi point sine excitation system is simply introduced .

  28. 表面波激励等离子体天线的原理与实现

    Principles and Realization of Surface Wave Driven Plasma Antenna

  29. 介绍了虚拟激励法的基本原理;

    The theory of pseudo excitation method is introduced in detail in the present paper ;

  30. 讨论了DC/DC直流变换器的自启动、自激励电路的设计原理,对实际电路进行了制作和调试。

    This paper introduces design principle of automatic switch on and automatic driver of DC / DC converter . The circuit is maked and adjusted .