
  • 网络Kangaroos;Australian Kangaroo;KANGAROO KINGDOM;Macropus Theditis
  1. 来自澳大利亚袋鼠协会的NikkiSutterby说,军方射杀数目如此众多的动物并没有提供有说服力的原因。

    Nikki Sutterby from the Australian Society for Kangaroos says the military has provided no

  2. 瑞兹(Raz):一只强硬的史前澳大利亚袋鼠姑娘,她是海盗中的武器专家,藏了一口袋致命的骨头兵器。

    This tough , prehistoric Aussie Sheila kangaroo , is the crew 's resident weapons expert , hiding an arsenal of deadly bone swords in herpouch .

  3. 8个月大的小王子的这款背包正是澳大利亚袋鼠的形状,母袋鼠的肚兜里还装着一只小袋鼠。现在,有很多孩子的爸爸妈妈用尽各种办法在网上购买同款背包。

    The eight-month-old bag features the Australian animal carrying a joey and now parents have gone out of their way to order the item online .

  4. 把澳大利亚与袋鼠联系在一起很自然。

    It 's natural to connect Australia with kangaroo .

  5. 澳大利亚有袋鼠和美丽的沙滩。

    There are kangaroos and beautiful beaches in Australia .

  6. 澳大利亚是袋鼠生长活动的地区。

    Australia is the province of the kangaroo .

  7. 澳大利亚是袋鼠的故乡。

    Australia is the home of the kangaroo .

  8. 澳大利亚是袋鼠的产地。

    Australia is the home of kangaroos .

  9. 丹尼尔:让我想想啊,澳大利亚的袋鼠和考拉熊都很出名。

    Daniel : Yeah , let me think , the kangroo and kola bear from Austrilia are very famous .

  10. 每年,世界各地的人们都会到澳大利亚去看看袋鼠——一种可爱、不寻常、特别的的澳大利亚动物,它们在这片阳光照射强烈的大陆上四处活动。

    Every year , people from every corner of the world travel to Australia to meet the kangaroo — the lovely , unuaual and special Australian animal that jumps all over this sunburnt continennt .

  11. 澳大利亚有许多袋鼠。

    There are a lot of kangaroos in Australia .

  12. 澳大利亚的象征袋鼠

    Kangaroo symbol of Australia

  13. 澳大利亚堪培拉的白化病袋鼠母子。

    Mother and child albino kangaroos in Canberra , Australia .

  14. 澳大利亚的小沙袋鼠,形似野兔,有持久稳固的牙齿。

    Small Australian wallaby that resembles a hare and has persistent teeth .

  15. 澳大利亚北部的小袋鼠。

    Small kangaroo of northeastern Australia .

  16. 新几内亚和澳大利亚树栖沙袋鼠,前腿和后腿长度相近。

    Arboreal wallabies of New Guinea and northern Australia having hind and forelegs of similar length .