- 名potential carcinogen

Potential Carcinogen in the Fried Food : Acrylamide
Atrazine hazards human health by breathing , ingestion or skin contact , and has proved to be a potential carcinogen and endocrine disruptor .
The potential toxic effects of PFOS have attracted wide attention . Perfluorooctanoic acid ( PFOA ) as potential carcinogens has also aroused extensive attention .
Bromate is one of the disinfection by-products produced by the ozonation of drinking water , which is considered as a potential2B-level carcinogen by International Agency for Research on Cancer .
Ozonation of drinking water containing bromide may lead to the formation of bromate , which is considered to be a potential 2 B-level carcinogen by International Agency for Research on Cancer ( IARC ) .
And the soy sauce results were inconclusive because of the large data range , but it seems like soy sauce actually increased the potential carcinogens .
but it seems like soy sauce actually increased the potential carcinogens .
There are many advantages by using biological methods : the simplified process , the decrease of cost , the reduce of the hazard of cancinogenic substance in product and the lower pollution to the environment .
So here 's some science to toast to - marinating meat in beer actually cuts the number of potentially cancer-causing compounds that form , as chops sizzle on the grill .