
  • 网络potential economic growth rate
  1. 一个关于潜在经济增长率的模型

    One model for the potential economic growth rate

  2. 在进行宏观经济增长目标制定和调控过程中,对潜在经济增长率的测算十分有意义。

    To measure the potential economic growth rate is of great use for setting and readjusting macroeconomic growth target .

  3. 但潜在经济增长率不仅由人口结构决定。

    But potential growth is not only determined by demographics .

  4. 最重要的是,日本必须提高潜在经济增长率&不管是实际增长率还是名义增长率。

    Above all , Japan needs to raise its potential growth rate , both in real and nominal terms .

  5. 本文提出了判断经济过热的三个标准:经济增长是否超过了潜在经济增长率?

    The paper proposes three criteria of judging economy overheating : Has economic growth surpassed potential growth or not ?

  6. 生产率增长放缓降低了潜在经济增长率,即在不会加快通货膨胀的情况下能够实现的经济增长率。

    Slower productivity growth lowers the potential growth of the economy – the growth it can achieve without accelerating inflation .

  7. 胡珀表示,总体而言,“我会将美国潜在经济增长率下调至3%附近。”

    Overall , Mr Hooper says , " I am coming down closer to 3 per cent for potential growth . "

  8. 经济学家们下调美国潜在经济增长率预期,其中一个简单而又有力的理由,是新数据显示出的美国经济增长与失业率之间的关系。

    One simple but compelling argument for cutting estimates of potential growth is based on what the new numbers show about the relationship between us growth and unemployment .

  9. 为了树立私营部门的信心,并为它们提供机会,亚太各国正在推进结构性改革(包括服务行业),以提高生产力和潜在经济增长率。

    To build confidence and opportunity for the private sector , the Asia-Pacific countries are advancing structural reforms including in service sectors to boost productivity and potential growth .

  10. 我们首先估计出了预期通货膨胀率和潜在经济增长率,然后依据通货膨胀预期误差和产出缺口的关系来描述我国菲利普斯曲线的动态特征。

    We firstly estimate the inflation expectations and potential output , and then we describe the dynamics of Phillips curve based on the inflation expectation error and output gap .

  11. 他表示,他预期2010年会出现温和复苏增长率不会超出潜在经济增长率太多,即3%左右。

    He said he expected a moderate recovery in 2010 with growth not much faster than the underlying potential growth rate of the economy which means around 3 per cent .

  12. 尽管限制了系统性风险,但它同时也降低了潜在的经济增长率,并会加速金融服务业的重大整合。

    While limiting systemic risk , this lowers the potential rate of growth and fuels significant consolidation in the financial services sector .

  13. 即便如此,赤字的规模还是不够维持与潜在趋势相符的经济增长率。

    Even so , deficits have not been large enough to sustain growth in line with potential .