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  1. 主持人潘杰客:也就是说别的问题有争论。

    So which means you have a fight on something else .

  2. 潘杰客:卢浮宫对法国人来说意味着什么?

    Jack Pan : What does the Louvre mean to French ?

  3. 潘杰客:你的艺术品味受到谁的影响?

    Jack Pan : Who influenced you in your art testy ?

  4. 潘杰客:那麽卢浮宫对外国人来说意味著什麽?

    Jack Pan : So what does the Louvre mean to the foreigners ?

  5. 潘杰客:你认为你自己是个专家还是一个管理者?

    Jack Pan : Do you consider yourself an art expert or a manager ?

  6. 潘杰客:在我看来,你一周七天都在卢浮宫工作。

    Jack Pan : It seems to me that you work in the Louvre seven days a week .

  7. 潘杰客:我在卢浮宫外墙的上面看见一个打鼓的小男孩玩偶。

    Jack Pan : I have seen the little toy boy with the drum on top of the Louvre .

  8. 潘杰客:你是否认为现代的人们对古典艺术的兴趣减弱了?

    Jack Pan : But do you think that people in modern times have less interest in classical art ?

  9. 潘杰客:作为卢浮宫的馆长,你怎样吸引更多的人来欣赏古典艺术?

    Jack Pan : As the Director of the Louvre , how do you attract more people to classical art ?

  10. 潘杰客:为什么你坚持把这个作品放在那个位置,而不是其他的什么地方?

    Jack Pan : Why did you insist upon it being placed there , just there , and not in any other place ?

  11. 潘杰客:到目前为止,作为卢浮宫的馆长最具有挑战性的工作是什麽?当然,这个工作是非常有挑战性的。

    Jack Pan : So far , what has been the most challenging task as the director of the Louvre ? It would be very challenging , of course .