
  • 网络roll angle;bank angle
  1. 提出了一种基于直角棱镜的滚转角测量方法。

    A novel roll measurement method based on a rectangular-prism is presented .

  2. 模型系统有三方面的控制,分别为俯仰角控制,滚转角控制,偏航角控制。

    Three aspects of control are included in this model system , such as control of pitch angle , control of roll angle and control of yaw angle .

  3. 这组控制规律通过解耦控制飞机的飞行速度(V)、滚转角(φ)、航迹角(γ)和偏航角(φw),使飞机能够精确地跟踪期望的三维突防航迹。

    This control law could guarantee aircraft accurately capturing desired 3-dimension penetration trajectory by decoupling control the flight velocity ( V ) , bank angle (φ), path angle (γ) and yaw angle (ψ w ) .

  4. 以炮弹飞行时的攻角、侧滑角与滚转角为状态变量,结合弹道飞行参数与MEMS陀螺/GPS测量数据,建立了非线性姿态滤波估计状态方程与量测方程。

    With the angle of attack , the sideslip angle and roll angle as the state variables , the nonlinear attitude filter estimated state equations and measurement equations were established combined with ballistic parameters and the MEMS gyroscope and GPS measurement data .

  5. 结果表明:在迎角为35°,风速80m/s时,局部侧向力随滚转角的变化接近方波型,所有截面的相位与周期几乎一致;

    The results indicate that at angle of attack of 35 °, the local side-force versus roll angle is nearly a square-wave curve . The period and phase of the wave is about the same for all measure stations .

  6. 利用光测图像求解目标滚转角的新方法

    A New Method for Measurment of Rolling Angle by Optical Image

  7. 静态滚转角对双三角翼涡流特性影响的数值研究

    Numerical Investigation of Roll-angle Effect of the Vortex Flow on Double-delta Wing

  8. 带滚转角模型大攻角试验的数据处理方法

    A data process method for high angle of attack testing with rolling angle

  9. 结果表明,侧向力的滚转角效应与模型加工精度有关;

    The results show that the model machining precision strongly affects the load .

  10. 基于数字图像的空间目标滚转角测量方法

    Measurement approach of rolling angle for the axis symmetry object based on digital image

  11. 滚转角误差的光学精密测量技术研究

    Optical Precision Measurement Technique of Rolling Error

  12. 滚转角测量方法的研究

    Measurement method of the rolling angle

  13. 一种新的滚转角测量方法

    A Novel Method for Measuring Roll

  14. 比较了在不同频率和滚转角下乘波飞行器的气动特性。

    The effects of different frequencies and rolling angles on the aerodynamic characteristics are also compared .

  15. 滚转角测量方法综述

    Survey of rolling angle measurement methods

  16. 基于激光干涉仪的垂直轴滚转角误差测量方法

    A Method to Measure Vertical Axis Roll Angular Errors of Machine Tool Based on Laser Interferometer

  17. 这里的载体姿态信息包括关于载体飞行速度矢量轴的航迹角和伪滚转角,即伪姿态。

    The attitude information consists of flight path angle and roll angle about the aircraft velocity vector axis .

  18. 结果表明:在相同滚转角下,静态和动态情况下旋涡特性有相当大的差别;

    Results indicated that the vortex behaviour was quite different at the same roll angle between static and dynamic conditions .

  19. 结果表明,机体滚转角位移和角速度反馈能有效地提高摆振后退型模态阻尼;

    Analytical results show that the regressive lag modal damping levels can be increased efficiently with fuselage roll state feedback introduced .

  20. 以目标轨道面倾角最大为优化性能指标,获得了升力和滚转角的最优控制规律。

    The optimization performance index is to maximize the orbital plane change , and the optimal lift and bank control law are obtained .

  21. 结果表明,按滚转角对飞机进行反馈控制时,不能使该不稳定模态变为稳定模态。

    The result shows that the unstable mode could not be changed into a stable one by using the bank angle feedback control .

  22. 以激光干涉仪直线度误差测量为基础研究了数控机床垂直轴滚转角误差的检测方法。

    A method for roll angular error measurement of NC machine tool vertical axis was studied based on straightness measurement using laser interferometers system .

  23. 基于滚转力矩对滚转角速度的展开,发展了一种基于求解定常流场的滚转阻尼力矩系数导数计算方法。

    The calculation of aircraft roll-damping moment coefficient derivative was discussed based on steady flow because roll moment is almost linear with roll angular velocity .

  24. 本文比较了二加速度计法、四加速度计法和感应线圈法等三种火箭弹滚转角测量方法,并详细地分析了该方法的测试原理误差。

    Three test methods , including two-accelerometers method , four-accelerometers method and geomagnetic induction coil method , for measuring rocket rotation angle are put forward in this paper .

  25. 提出了飞机滚转并实现90°滚转角的过程由快速操纵及精确跟踪两阶段组成。

    It is developed that the process of roll and capture a 90 degree bank angle change can be divided into two parts , rapid control and precise tracking .

  26. 介绍了基于地磁探测的弹丸滚转角辨识原理,进行了滚转角辨识系统静态与动态试验。

    The principle of roll angle determination for projectile based on geomagnetism detection was introduced , the static and dynamic experiments for roll angle determination system were carried out .

  27. 根据飞机的动态特性,将飞机动态分为角速度快速动态与滚转角、迎角与侧滑角表示的慢动态。

    In terms of the aircraft characteristics , the aircraft dynamics are divided into fast dynamics of angle speeds and slow dynamics of roll angle , angle of attack and sideslip angle .

  28. 同时,提出了用地磁信号解算滚转角对陀螺累积误差进行动态校准的算法,更进一步提高了姿态解算精度。

    At the same time , provided an algorithm for accumulated error dynamic calibration of gyro by calculating the roll angle with magnetic signal , further improved the accuracy of attitude algorithm .

  29. 研究了飞机非对称着陆和滑跑载荷的分析方法。通过给定飞机初始滚转角,建立飞机非对称着陆过程中全机动载荷分析模型;

    A new method to analyze the asymmetric landing and taxiing loads of aircraft is presented by way of establishing the truly simulated model of the asymmetric landing and taxiing phases of aircraft .

  30. 针对快速滚转引起的耦合,在偏航通道中引入攻角和滚转角速率信息,实现滚转/偏航运动解耦,抑制侧滑角。

    Then the information of attack angle and roll rate are introduced into yaw channel in order to decouple the roll / yaw channel and reduce the sideslip angle induced by rapid rolling maneuver .