
  • 网络Zipline;strop;zip line;zip wire
  1. 滑速是滑索设计的关键。

    Sliding speed is key to the design of strop ropeway .

  2. 以滑索、喷气火箭及秋千为分析对象,对变结构体进行了动力分析、动力设计及其控制研究。

    Taking the strop and the swing and the jet rocket as the analysis object , This paper presents the study on dynamical analysis and dynamical design and its control for changing structure systems .

  3. 基于VB的滑索悬索设计系统

    VB-Based Suspension Rope Design System of Strop Ropeway

  4. 在已建立滑索悬索设计数学模型的基础上,利用VISUALBASIC6.0配套研制悬索设计系统。

    Based on the established mathematics models of suspension rope design , the design system of suspension rope is built up by using Visual Basic 6.0 , which has friendly interface , easy to operate and voids the trivial process of manual calculation .

  5. 度假村之外的蓬塔卡纳也能找到很多活动,比如高空滑索、骑马以及殖民区(ColonialZone)一日游。该殖民区是联合国教科文组织的世界遗产地之一。

    Outside the grounds , in Punta Cana , one can also find activities such as zip lines , horseback riding and day trips to see the Zona Colonial ( Colonial Zone ), a Unesco World Heritage site .

  6. 滑索的悬索设计数学模型

    Mathematics Models of Suspension Rope Design of Strop Ropeway

  7. 说真的负责滑索的人用绳子圈一下

    Seriously , zip-line guys , use some ropes .

  8. 滑索张紧力的正确计算是确保滑索安全运行的关键因素。

    Correct calculation of the tension is the key of safety exercise for inertia ropeway .

  9. 大概开了两个多小时的车,我们一行五人到达了大熊山度假胜地,也就是我们即将滑索道的地方。

    After two hours of driving , we five arrived at Big Bear Lake , where we took our zip line tour .

  10. 加拿大方面的旅游局官员似乎相当淡定,今年晚些时候,他们将允许大胆的游客经由滑索从尼亚加拉峡谷降下。—

    Tourism officials on the Canadian side appear poised to allow daredevils to zip line across or rappel downthe Niagara Gorge later this year . -

  11. 桥总长430米,宽6米,它也是世界上最长的露天吊桥,并号称具有全球最陡的高山滑索和最高的蹦极平台。

    The 430-meter long , 6-meter wide bridge is also the world 's longest open space suspension bridge , and boasts the world 's steepest ziptreck and highest Bungee platform .

  12. 从悬链线理论出发,利用牛顿迭代数值解法建立滑索的悬索设计数学模型,便于滑索的安装架设,提高其安全性能,为滑索的悬索设计提供科学理论依据。

    Based on the catenary theory , with Newton iteration numerical method , mathematics models of design of suspension rope of strop ropeway are established , facilitating installation of strop ropeway , improving safe performance , providing the scientific theory proof of suspension rope design of suspension rope .