
  • 网络the Lake poets;lake poet;The Lakers
  1. 英国的湖畔诗人为柯尔律治,华兹华斯和骚塞,他们曾在英格兰西北部的湖泊区住过。

    The Lake poets in England are Coleridge , Words-worth and Southey who lived in the Lake district .

  2. 诗人骚塞,科勒律治也居住在同一地城,三人并称为湖畔诗人。

    The poet Robert Southey as well as Coleridge lived nearby , and the three men became known as the Lake Poets .

  3. 华兹华斯&湖畔诗人

    Wordsworth as Lake Poet

  4. 英格兰西北部的湖区是英国最有名的旅游胜地之一。著名的湖畔诗人威廉。华兹华斯的家就在那里。

    The Lake District in northwest England is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Britain , which is the home of the famous lake poet William Wordworth .

  5. 其用语让人联想到湖畔派诗人的作品。

    It was written in language redolent of the Lakeland poets .

  6. 湖畔四诗人对爱情的大胆表白是前所未有的,因为他们敢于真实地袒露内心最隐秘处的情感。

    Since they are able to convey the most secret feelings , their bold expressions of love are epoch-making .

  7. 十八、十九世纪之交,在英国浪漫主义诗歌的作家群中,湖畔派诗人威廉·华兹华斯(1770-1850)以其独特的艺术个性和诗学理论开一代诗风,深刻影响了他同时代以及后来的诗人。

    William Wordsworth ( 1770-1850 ) was the leading figure of the English romantic poetry between the late 18th century and the early 19th century .

  8. 作为英国湖畔派诗人的领袖人物,英国浪漫主义诗歌的主要奠基人,华兹华斯开创了英国文学的浪漫主义时代。

    As a leading figure and representative poet of English Romanticism , William Wordsworth has exerted great influence on the Romanticists both in Britain and in America .

  9. 进入20世纪,在五四启蒙思潮的影响下,爱情诗经湖畔派诗人的倡导与实践,取得了显著成绩,走了一条不同于古典形态的开放、自觉道路。

    Entering 20th century , with the May 4th Movement of 1919 , the love poems experienced an open and self conscious process that differed from the classic forms .

  10. 本文试图挖掘威廉·布莱克在诗歌创作上所表现出的,毫不逊色于湖畔派诗人的瑰丽想象。

    This article aims to unearth the surpassing imagination exhibited through the poems by William Blake , which is not in the least inferior to that created by the Lake Poets .

  11. 本文旨在以华兹华斯和柯尔律治诗歌的文本研究为平台,展开并突显关于早期英国浪漫主义与泛神论关系的讨论,同时也为这两位湖畔派诗人作品的研究提供新的视角。

    It is hoped that this study will contribute to foregrounding the relationship between early British Romanticism and pantheism , and offer a new perspective for the analysis of the poetic works of Wordsworth and Coleridge .

  12. 在法国大革命的影响之下,作为浪漫主义运动代表的湖畔派诗人在创作领域发起了被后来人称为诗歌革命的运动,此运动是对当时新古典主义文学的一种反驳。

    Under the influence of French Revolution , the Lake Poets , as the representatives of English Romantic Movement , initiated a revolution in poetry writing , which was later regarded as the " poetic revolution " . Essentially it was a rebellion against the neoclassical literature .

  13. 塞缪尔·泰勒·柯勒律治(1772-1834)是19世纪早期著名的英国浪漫主义诗人、哲学家、评论家,也是湖畔派代表诗人之一。

    Samuel Taylor Coleridge ( 1772-1834 ) is an outstanding British Romantic poet , critic and philosopher in the early 19th century , one of the representative poets among the " Lake Poets " as well .

  14. 威廉·华兹华斯是十八世纪末十九世纪初英国浪漫主义文学先驱、湖畔派代表诗人之一。

    William Wordsworth , a major English Romantic poet and representative of " Lake Poets " in late 18th century and early 19th century , helped launch the Romantic Age in English literature with his 1798 publication Lyrical Ballads collaborated with Samuel Taylor Coleridge .

  15. “田园诗人”陶渊明与“湖畔派”诗人华兹华斯的处世理念与作品风格,既有不少相似之处,又因受中西方不同的哲学思想及宗教观的影响,在审美情趣上有明显的差异。

    The view of life and the writing style of the " idyllist " Tao Yuanming and the " Lake poet " Wordsworth are much similar , and the differences in their philosophical thoughts and religious viewpoints also led to the essential difference in their aesthetic standards .

  16. 作为湖畔派的代表诗人,威廉姆·华兹华斯对自然的推崇非比寻常。

    William Wordsworth , as the spokesman of " Lake Poets ", praised highly of nature .