
  1. 为把宁波建设成为“海内外闻名的港口旅游城市”,应深入开发现有的旅游资源,挖掘新的旅游资源,完善旅游设施,加强旅游宣传,完善旅游市场。

    For building a wellknown port travel city throughout the world , Ningbo must develop present tourist resource deeply , dig new tourist resource , perfect tourist facilities , strengthen tourism attraction construction and build travel market .

  2. 钢丝绳广泛应用于矿山、冶金、交通运输、港口、旅游等国民经济各主要行业,发挥着极为关键的作用。

    Steel ropes is widely used in many industries , such as mining , metallurgy , transport , port , tourism .

  3. 钦州实现大工业大港口大旅游战略目标的支撑体系研究

    On the Support Systems of Qinzhou to Turn Its Three Developing Goals of " Grand Industry , Grand Port and Grand Tourism " Into Reality

  4. 胶州湾是具有港口、旅游、外贸、轻纺、海洋科研等多种开发功能的天然海湾,对青岛市的经济发展有着举足轻重的地位。

    Jiaozhou Bay , a natural bay with exploitable functions of port , tourism , foreign trade , marine scientific research etc , plays a very important part in the economic development of Qingdao city .

  5. 在分析宁波文化旅游产品开发现状及存在问题基础上,提出宁波如何利用现有资源优势,开发港口文化旅游、都市文化旅游、商务旅游休闲文化、乡土文化旅游。

    Based on an analysis of the current situation and existing problems in tourism product development in Ningbo , this paper discusses how to take advantage of the resources available in Ningbo to develop seaport cultural tourism , city culture tourism , business culture tourism and country culture tourism .

  6. 意大利西南部的一座港口城市和旅游中心;坎帕尼亚区的首府。

    A port and tourist center in southwestern Italy ; capital of the Campania region .

  7. 该公司总部设在波罗的海的格丁尼亚港口和其旅游中心。

    The company is based in Gdynia , known as the Baltic port and tourist center .

  8. 法国里维埃拉的一个港口城市和旅游胜地;是举行一年一度国际电影节的地方。

    A port and resort city on the French Riviera ; site of an annual film festival .

  9. 大连市也是我国北方沿海重要的工业城市、港口城市现代化旅游城市。

    DaLian City is the important costal industry city , harbor city and modern tour city in China .

  10. 钦州提出建设大工业、大港口、大旅游三大战略目标,为钦州未来的发展指明了方向。

    To reach the three strategic goals " Grand Industry , Grand Port and Grand Tourism " directs the future development of Qinzhou .

  11. 随着天气变暖,非法师爷是列于沿加藤帕福斯港口和海滨旅游区的主要力量了。

    With the weather warming up , illegal touts are already out in force in the main tourist areas along the harbour and seafront of Kato Paphos .

  12. 厦门,一个国际性海港风景城市;中国四个经济特区之一,是中国东南沿海重要的中心城市、港口及风景旅游城市。

    Xiamen , an internatioal seaport city , tourist city and one of China 's four special economic zones , plays an important role in the southeast of China .

  13. 青岛市是我国北部沿海重要的港口城市、滨海旅游胜地和著名的海洋科技城,在发展海洋休闲渔业方面有许多优势。

    As a famous coastal city and summer resort , Qingdao has lots of advantages and characteristics in developing ocean recreational fishery .