
  • 网络Vancouver International Airport;YVR;YVR Airport
  1. 2018年底,应美国有关部门要求,孟晚舟在温哥华国际机场被加拿大有关部门拘留。

    She was detained at Vancouver International Airport by Canadian authorities at the request of their U.S. counterparts in late 2018 .

  2. 麦克杜兰日出后驾驶飞机在温哥华国际机场旁的弗雷泽河绕了个小圈,大约有100个旁观者。

    McDougall took the plane on a short loop along the Fraser River near Vancouver International Airport in front of around 100 onlookers soon after sunrise .

  3. 加拿大总检察长的律师声称,一些文件“如果公布,将威胁国家安全”。孟晚舟的律师要求公布这些文件,以证实孟晚舟于2018年12月在温哥华国际机场被捕时,加拿大和美国官员滥用了程序。

    Lawyers for the Canadian attorney general claimed that some of the documents would " threaten national security if disclosed . " Meng 's lawyers pushed for the release of the documents as part of a claim that Canadian and American officials committed abuses of process during her arrest at Vancouver International Airport in December 2018 .