
  • 网络RFCC;residual oil cracking;RCC
  1. 国外渣油催化裂化催化剂发展近况和对国内的工作建议

    Recent development of residual oil cracking catalysts in foreign countries and suggestions to domestic works

  2. 正在发展中的渣油催化裂化工艺,在工程技术上的突出特点是:由于焦炭产率增加带来的反应-再生部分热平衡的变化和床层取热技术的应用。

    In the engineering and technological aspect , a distinguishing feature of the residual oil cracking process under development is the heat balance of reactor - regenerator section and the application of techniques for removing heat from the fluidized bed due to increased coke yields .

  3. 助剂LBO-A加入量对大庆常压渣油催化裂化反应的影响

    Influence of LBO-A additive dosage on the catalytic cracking reactions of Daqing atmospheric residue

  4. 原油的日益重质化使得渣油催化裂化(RFCC)成为发展的必然趋势,近年来这一技术已取得了重大进步。

    With crude oil becoming more and more heavy , it is an inevitable trend to refine residue as feedstock of catalytic cracking units .

  5. 采用SBR工艺对炼厂渣油催化裂化废水的脱氮效果进行了研究,结果表明,一个运行周期内,连续进水好氧&缺氧交替的方式可使TN去除率达到92%以上。

    Denitrification of the catalytic-cracking wastewater from refinery plant by SBR process has been studied The result indicated that during one period , the removal rates of TN were more than 92 % under continuous influx and alternating aerobic-anaerobic process .

  6. 论文内容分为两部分,第一部分对包括三个典型的工业过程,PTA氧化反应器、渣油催化裂化反应系统和复合式精馏塔进行分析、建模以及PTA氧化过程的软测量工程实施;

    The whole dissertation is divided into two parts . The first part comprises industrial PTA oxidation process modeling , residual fluid catalytic cracking process modeling , complex distillation modeling and analysis , the application of PTA oxidation process soft-sensor technology .

  7. 介绍了LVR-60B催化剂在800kt/a渣油催化裂化装置上的工业应用情况。

    Commercial application of LVR-60B catalyst in the resid FCCU at Yanshan Petro-chemical Company was introduced .

  8. 介绍了LVR60渣油催化裂化催化剂在兰州炼化公司1.2Mt/a重油催化裂化装置上工业应用的情况。

    A resid FCC catalyst LVR 60 for processing more residual oil was commercially tested in a 1 200 kt / a resid FCCU in Lanzhou Refining & Chemical Company .

  9. 通过变尺度法(B-F-G-S)和龙格库塔法确定动力学参数,并通过工业实测数据验证,表明该模型具有良好的拟合性和外推性,较好地反映了加氢渣油催化裂化反应规律。

    Its reaction rate constants were determined by B-F-G-S and Runge-Kutta . The verification results by commercial data showed that the model was reliable , fitted well and reflected the reaction rules of hydrotreated residuum fluid catalytic cracking .

  10. 渣油催化裂化装置燃料油喷嘴的安装

    Installation of Fuel Jet Nozzle on Residual Oil Catalytic Cracking Unit

  11. 低结焦渣油催化裂化催化剂的制备及其性能

    Preparation and Property of Low Coke Yield Resid Catalytic Cracking Catalyst

  12. 渣油催化裂化过程中硫及其分布的影响和对策

    Influences of sulfur distribution on residue oil catalytic cracking and Countermeasures

  13. 外甩油浆对渣油催化裂化性能影响的研究(下)

    Studies of slurry discharge effects on residue catalytic cracking performance (ⅱ)

  14. 全大庆减压渣油催化裂化工艺技术中型试验研究

    Pilot scale study on FCC technology for processing Daqing vacuum residue

  15. 渣油催化裂化反应再生系统过程优化

    Process Optimization of Residual Catalytic Cracking Reactor - Regenerator System

  16. 渣油催化裂化液态烃的深度利用

    Advanced utilization of liquid hydrocarbon from catalytic cracking of residuum

  17. 加氢渣油催化裂化14集总动力学模型的建立

    Establishment of 14 lumps model for fluid catalytic cracking of hydrotreated residuum

  18. 减少渣油催化裂化装置的结焦

    Prevention of coke formation in residue fluid catalytic cracking unit

  19. 渣油催化裂化反应动力学模型的研究

    Studies on a kinetic model of RESID CATALYTIC CRACKING

  20. 工业渣油催化裂化过程六集总组合反应器模型

    Reactor Model for Industrial Residual Fluid Catalytic Cracking Based on Six-lump Kinetic Model

  21. 全减压渣油催化裂化分馏塔油浆系统结焦控制对策

    Control of coking in oil slurry system of full-range VR FCC main fractionator

  22. 提高渣油催化裂化轻质油收率的助剂研究

    Study on the cocatalyst for improving light distillate yield of residue catalytic cracking

  23. 常压渣油催化裂化装置技术改造

    Technical reform of atmospheric residuum catalytic cracking unit

  24. 大庆类原油常压渣油催化裂化生产90号汽油

    Catalytic cracking of atmospheric residue from daqing-type paraffin base crudes to make No. 90 gasoline

  25. 渣油催化裂化的物理化学模型

    Physico-chemical model of residual oil catalytic cracking

  26. 减压渣油催化裂化的反应特性

    Reaction behavior of vacuum residua catalytic cracking

  27. 渣油催化裂化的原料油及循环油和澄清油的组成分析

    Compositional analysis of feed , heavy cycle oil and clarified oil of RESID CATALYTIC CRACKING

  28. 灵敏度高,负荷灵敏度不大于1/600(比原气动滑阀的负荷灵敏度高约1倍)等特点,适应了渣油催化裂化新工艺技术发展的需要。

    It is of high sensitivity and does meet the requirements of residual oil FCC technology .

  29. 渣油催化裂化工艺反应技术新进展:Ⅰ.围绕提升管反应器的技术开发

    Progress of residuum catalytic cracking reaction technology : ⅰ . Technology development around commercial riser reactor

  30. 通过渣油催化裂化生焦实验和参数估计,确定生焦模型参数和活化能参数;

    The purpose of this work is to develop a predictable kinetic model of coking reaction for resid catalytic cracking .