
yú gǎng
  • fishing port
渔港 [yú gǎng]
  • [fishing port] 供渔船停泊、装卸等的港湾

渔港[yú gǎng]
  1. 路易港是个漂亮的小渔港。

    Port-Louis is an attractive little fishing port .

  2. 象山的石浦渔港是一座天然良港。

    The Shipu fishing port in Xiangshan is a natural harbor .

  3. 该渔港通常都是一派热闹繁忙的景象,很有地方色彩。

    The fishing boat harbour was usually bustling with lots of local colour .

  4. 渔港信息管理GIS发布平台建设研究

    Research on Publishing Platform of Port Information Management Base on GIS

  5. 基于BP神经网络的渔港评估指标体系简化

    The Index System Simplification of Fishing Ports Evaluation by BP Neural Network

  6. 为使渔港管理部门在进行渔港初步评估时节省人力、物力,对渔港评估指标体系进行简化,应用BP神经网络进行渔港评估。

    For the fishing ports primary evaluation by manager and conductor can save manpower and material resources , the paper simplifies the index system of the fishing ports and evaluates the fishing port by BP neural network .

  7. 渔港安全监控系统项目进度计划与控制研究

    Project Schedule Plan and Control of Fishing Port Safety Monitoring System

  8. 我国渔港卸鱼量发展水平预测方法探讨

    Prediction Methods of Fish-unloading Capacity Developing Level in a Fishing Port

  9. 俯瞰风景如画的泽布勒赫渔港的一家小旅馆。

    A small hotel overlooking the picturesque fishing harbour of zeebrugge .

  10. 我国地方渔港布局规划方法研究

    Study of layout plan method of regional fishing ports in China

  11. 达濠国家一级渔港近期将启动建设。

    The construction of Dahao Country-level Fishing Port will be started .

  12. 渔港港内作业水域泊稳条件的研究

    A Study of Mooring Conditions of Working Area in Fishing Port

  13. 渔港码头钻孔灌注桩工程施工质量控制

    Quality Control of Bored Pile Construction for Fishing Port Wharf

  14. 渔港规划设计与评估方法研究

    A Study on Planning , Designing and Evaluation of Fishing Port Engineering

  15. 我国渔港工程学科发展报告(2002&2008)

    Development report of China 's fishing port engineering disciplines ( 2002-2008 )

  16. 公路将建成,遭损坏的渔港也将得以恢复。

    Highways will be rebuilt and damaged fishing harbors restored .

  17. 我国渔港发展现状及等级划分

    Analysis on the Present Developmental Condition and Grades of Fishing Bays in China

  18. 旅游码头与渔港码头结合之思考

    Thoughts on Developing Tour Terminal Together With Fishing Wharf

  19. 渔港布局及沿海渔港经济圈的构想

    Idea of Fishing-Harbor Layout and Coastal Fishing-Harbor Economic Circle

  20. 渔港等级模糊评估法为一个全新的渔港等级评定方法,可供渔港管理部门进行渔港等级评估时参考。

    This method can be referenced by the managerial authorities of fishing ports .

  21. 《渔港总体设计规范》水域部分简介

    Brief Introduction of Water Area Part of Master Design Code of Fishery Port

  22. 渔港等级评估指标体系研究

    Study on Index System of Fishing Port Grades Evaluation

  23. 渔港物资码头和加冰码头泊位数计算

    Calculation of Berth Number at Supply Wharf and Ice-Adding Wharf in Fishery Harbour

  24. 渔港等级模糊评估方法研究

    Study on Fuzzy Evaluation Method of Fishing Port Grades

  25. 天津中心渔港进港航道尺度论证与航道泥沙回淤研究

    Research on approach channel dimension of Tianjin central fishing port and sediment siltation

  26. 渔港斜坡式防波堤规范胸墙波压强分布和计算方法

    The calculating method and distribution of wave pressure on breast wall of mound breakwater

  27. 拖网渔船一种用于拖网捕鱼的船只渔港里停泊着几艘拖网渔船。

    A vessel used for trawling . Some trawlers anchored in the fishing port .

  28. 渔港码头应用交通部《规范》一例分析

    Analysis of an application of " harbour engineering technical standards " in fishery harbours

  29. 这个地方已从一个渔港发展成一个繁荣的旅游中心。

    The place HAS developed from a fishing port into a thriving tourist centre .

  30. 它向来以渔港商城而著称。

    It has always been known as a fishing port and a commercial town .