- liquidation value

They have lower liquidation value and lower rate of physical assets .
When uncertainty was from the liquidation value , debt was uncorrelated with pricing decision-making .
What is its liquidation value ?
Certainly , valuation techniques will be an issue , as going-concern valuation techniques jostle with liquidation values .
The common feasibility standard of reorganization of assets is that the value of maintaining management must bigger than of liquidation .
That puts companies where property , equipment and stock account for more than half of book not far above liquidation value .
Second , policymakers infused the banks with additional equity , partly directly and partly by purchasing bad loans at above their liquidation value .
When the objective enterprise having gone bankrupt or is close to the bankruptcy we often using clearing the value estimate objective enterprise value ;
The going concern convention is not the direct basis of the historical cost principle , It is all the basis of nonliquidation value .
For the purpose of valuation , from different points , book value , market value , intrinsic value , and liquidation value are analyzed and compared .
Net present value would be most applicable , for example , in valuing a high-return business with stable cash flows such as a consumer-products company ; its liquidation value would be far too low .
If the business is terminated , the preferred stock is entitled to payment in full of its par value or a higher stated liquidation value before any payment is made on the common stock .
In chapter 4 I analyzed the effect of corporate governance , competition , and firm 's liquidation value to bank monitoring . I found good corporate governance , releasing banking industry control and enhancing firm 's liquidation value could promote bank monitoring .
The value of the system of compulsory liquidation of the company is that embodied in different frame of reference being used .
Unlike the assets of a bank or an industrial company , most of the securities on their balance sheet have a book value that can be calculated daily and can be easily liquidated .
The fourth part of the article is the liquidation of the system should be valuable expectations .