
hùn níng tǔ
  • concrete;beton;jetereting
混凝土 [hùn níng tǔ]
  • [concrete] 一种坚硬的建筑材料,由胶结材料(通常为波特兰水泥,即普通水泥或称硅酸盐水泥)和矿物质集料(如洗净的沙和砾石或碎石)加足够的水拌合,使水泥凝固和胶结

混凝土[hùn níng tǔ]
  1. 石块应该固定在混凝土基座上。

    The blocks should be laid on a bed of concrete .

  2. 厂房只剩下混凝土骨架了。

    Only the concrete skeleton of the factory remained .

  3. 罗马人首先使用混凝土作建筑材料。

    The Romans were the first to utilize concrete as a building material .

  4. 核反应堆由钢筋混凝土围住。

    The reactor is encased in concrete and steel .

  5. 混凝土是沙和水泥的混合物。

    Concrete is a mixture of sand and cement .

  6. 等待混凝土凝结。

    Wait for the concrete to go hard .

  7. 他们住在了无生气的混凝土楼房里。

    They live in soulless concrete blocks .

  8. 花园里铺设了混凝土。

    The garden had been concreted over .

  9. 我们将使用混凝土铺地面。

    We 'll use concrete paving .

  10. 混凝土是搅拌好的。

    The concrete was ready mixed .

  11. 他们就躺在铺在混凝土地面上的睡袋上。

    They had lain on sleeping bags on the concrete floor .

  12. 最终,水会渗透进周围的混凝土中。

    Eventually , the water will permeate through the surrounding concrete .

  13. 混凝土会像岩石一样坚固。

    The concrete will stay as solid as a rock .

  14. 这些塔楼耸立在一个混凝土墩座上。

    The towers rise out of a concrete podium .

  15. 建筑工人在8根细柱上架起轻巧的混凝土穹顶。

    The builders have perched a light concrete dome on eight slender columns .

  16. 运土卡车和混凝土搅拌机闲置着。

    The earth-moving trucks and cement mixers lay idle .

  17. 鲜花摆上之后,突兀的混凝土墙便显得柔和起来。

    Stark concrete walls have been softened by a show of fresh flowers .

  18. 外墙用的是预制混凝土。

    The exterior walls were made of pre-formed concrete .

  19. 他只是把地面清理之后浇上了混凝土。

    He merely cleared and concreted the floors .

  20. 曾经将这座城市分隔开的混凝土墙现在已几乎不复存在。

    The concrete wall that used to divide this city has now all but gone

  21. 监狱是钢筋混凝土结构的。

    The prison was made of reinforced concrete .

  22. 这些柱子必须用混凝土固定。

    The posts have to be set in concrete

  23. 监狱周围有一圈40英尺高的混凝土墙。

    A forty-foot-high concrete wall encircles the jail

  24. 必须用巨大的风扇来冷却混凝土地面,将其温度控制在150度以下。

    Huge fans will have to cool the concrete floor to keep it below 150 degrees .

  25. 该旅馆有两个缺点。其一,它是个非常难看的大型混凝土建筑。其二,它位于一个相当偏僻的地段。

    The Hotel has two strikes against it . One , it 's an immense ugly concrete building . Second , it lies in a rather awkward position

  26. 事实上,将机器用混凝土封存在隧道一侧比将其拆开运回英国更加便宜。

    It will actually be cheaper to leave the machine encased in concrete to one side of the tunnel , than to take it apart and bring it back to Britain

  27. 他们需要一台起重机来吊起混凝土块。

    They need a hoist to lift the concrete blocks .

  28. 他们需要吊起混凝土块。

    They need to hoist the concrete blocks .

  29. 1969年在混凝土板上铺设了51mm厚的沥青混凝土铺装层。

    In1969 a ( 51mm ) bituminous concrete overlay was placed on the concrete deck .

  30. 他们用混凝土造了一只船。

    They formed a boat out of concrete .