
  1. 信托合同是委托人和受托人之间订立的第三人有请求权的涉他合同;

    Trust contract is a contract between mandator and trustee concerning a third party who has the right to sue against trustee ;

  2. 邮政合同的性质是民事合同,一般来说其带有要式合同,双务有偿合同和涉他合同的特征。

    Postal contract is a kind of civil contract with the characteristic of style-required contract , onerous contract , bilateral contract and related to the third party .

  3. 但社会生活是复杂的,有一些合同突破了合同的相对性原则,引起了合同当事人以外的第三方主体的法益变化,这就是所谓涉他合同。

    But social life is complicated , some contract break the doctrine , causing the law benefits of the third party change , this is the so-called involved he contract .