
  • 网络apply colour
  1. 女孩给纸上的一棵树涂上颜色。

    The girl coloured a tree on her piece of paper .

  2. 我来画一棵树,你给它涂上颜色。

    I 'll draw a tree and you can colour it in .

  3. 我想用蜡笔把这些纸涂上颜色。

    I am going to colour the papers with crayons .

  4. 他们给脸涂上颜色,戴上逗人的鼻子。

    They paint their faces and put on funny noses .

  5. 接着,给圆圈涂上颜色,然后写上单词。

    After that , colour the circle and write words .

  6. 园林式的建筑物或一般的房屋涂上颜色后,看上去幽静雅致。

    Colors are applied to garden-like buildings or commonplace houses that seem quietly elegant .

  7. 拿出你的颜料给这张画涂上颜色。

    Take your paints and colour this picture .

  8. 有时我们把我们的脸涂上颜色,这样人们便认不出我们了。

    Sometimes we paint our faces and people do not know who we are .

  9. 孩子们把花的轮廓画在纸上,然后涂上颜色。

    The children drew the outline of flowers on paper , then colored them .

  10. 给字谜中的单词涂上颜色。

    Colour the word in the puzzle .

  11. 涂上颜色后,它看上去漂亮极了。

    Painted , it looked quite pretty .

  12. 小孩子们将复活节用的蛋涂上颜色。

    The children colored the Easter eggs .

  13. 另外,还可以给绘制的对象涂上颜色。

    You may additionally want to " color in " the objects you have drawn .

  14. 那上面,涂上颜色或放置香波瓶。

    And up here , it could be-it could be the coloring or the shampoo stations .

  15. 或者先让孩子给贝壳涂上颜色,这样既有乐趣又增加了色彩。

    Letting the kids paint the shells first is another fun way to add some color .

  16. 给圆内涂上颜色。

    Paint inside of the circle .

  17. 把你的画涂上颜色。

    Please color your picture .

  18. 要在烘干炉内将这些板条烘干,然而,涂上颜色,就像妇女们往脸上涂脂抹粉一个道理。

    These are kiln dried and then tinted for the same reason women put rouge on their faces .

  19. 你不需要在每个地方都涂上颜色,因为这样笔刷就会开始显得分簇。

    You don 't want to completely color everything because notice how the brush already begins to show clumping .

  20. 在进度印刷品上给已安装的各种部件涂上颜色,以此来表示日进度。

    Indicate daily progress on progress prints by colouring in the various parts of the works as they are erected .

  21. 涂上颜色的蛋壳和毛球,还有从加工乳酪的包装上弄来的银纸碎片也都被用来做装饰。

    Painted egg shells and fur cones and fragments of silver paper from processed cheese packets were also used as decorations .

  22. 她的头和胳膊曾被人砍落,曾被人涂上颜色,也曾被从雕像底座的岩石上吹落。

    She has been decapitated , had her arm cut off , been painted as well as blown off her rock .

  23. 以植物制革法纯手工打造完成:先在皮革湿润时打造出适合脸型的形状,然后涂上颜色,于是就有了以下几款缤纷惊艳的造型。

    Stylish masks handmade of vegetable tanned leather are shaped while wet to fit a face and then painted with an appropriate color .

  24. 我说,让我们做一个艺术家的托盘,他们采纳了我的建议,提供了管子和刷子,在周围涂上颜色。

    let 's have got a artist pallet and I have got that point and they offered tubes and brushes and they paint around it .

  25. 约瑟夫画了一栋大厦然后用蜡笔涂上了颜色。

    Joseph drew an building and colored it in with crayons .

  26. 她画了一只小船的轮廓然后又涂上了颜色。

    She drew the outline to the boat and then coloured it in .

  27. 趁着室友还在睡觉的时候给她画个妆,或者给她的指甲涂上不同颜色的指甲油,做些让她醒来之后会让她大吃一惊的事。

    Do her makeup while she sleeps , paint her nails different colors , anything to give her a surprise when she finally wakes up .

  28. 好吧,有一家人想出的法子是给自家三胞胎的脚趾甲分别涂上不同颜色的指甲油。

    Well , one family have come up with their own way of making sure they can by colour coding their triplets ' toe nails to tell them apart .

  29. 即使在早上懒得化妆,给嘴唇涂上唇膏颜色也是一件我非常喜欢做的事。

    Even if I 'm too lazy to put on any makeup in the morning , the one thing that I do like to do is have some lip color .

  30. 但是,就在这时,他偶然把脸转过来,迎着烛光,我这才看清楚他脸上那些黑块块,根本不是贴的膏药,是涂上的颜色之类。

    But at that moment he chanced to turn his face so towards the light , that I plainly saw they could not be sticking-plasters at all , those black squares on his cheeks . They were stains of some sort or other .