
  • 网络Toshiki Kaifu
  1. 在反对党方面,自民党前首相海部俊树领导着新进党。

    In opposition , Toshiki kaifu , a former LDP prime minister , leads the new frontier party .

  2. 海部俊树:在那个时候,社会上已经有人开始反省,认为流动性过剩已经到了不能不解决的阶段。

    The sea department Jun tree : At that time , society already someone beginning self-reflection , think mobility excess already arrive have to solve of stage .

  3. 海部俊树:我担任日本首相时,日本经济进入了泡沫经济的最高峰。

    The sea department Jun tree : When I held the post of Japan a prime minister , Japan economy got into a bubble economy most high peak .