
hǎi hán
  • be magnanimous enough to forgive or tolerate
海涵 [hǎi hán]
  • [be magnanimous enough to forgive or tolerate (sb.'s errors or shortcomings)] 如海一样的包容。敬辞,比喻人度量宽大(用于请人特别原谅时)

  • 天覆群生,海涵万族。--苏轼《湖州谢上表》

  1. 请理解如果有无心的冒犯之处,请海涵。

    Please kindly understand that and if there is any unintentional offenses , forgive me .

  2. 上海海涵文化传播有限公司是一家专业从事平面设计、制作及出版印刷;

    Shanghai Haihan Culture & Media Co Ltd is a comprehensive company specialized in graphic design , making and printing ;