
hǎi yánɡ shēnɡ wù xué
  • marine biology
  1. AUTOCAD在海洋生物学中的应用

    Application of Auto CAD in Marine Biology

  2. 蛋白质组学的研究概况及其在海洋生物学中的应用

    Outlines of studies on proteomics and its application on Marine Biology

  3. 中国卤虫(Artemiasinica)是重要的饵料生物,是当前海洋生物学研究的热点生物和重要的生物模型。

    Artemia sinica is an important live food , which is a hotspot and an important biological model in current marine biological study .

  4. 海洋生物学实践教学改革初探

    Preliminary Practice on the Reformed Practice Teaching Methodology of Marine Biology

  5. 海洋生物学的学生可以得到一个冰冻的鱿鱼来做论文。

    Marine biology students get a frozen squid to dissect .

  6. 南海海洋生物学新进展

    New advances of marine biology in the South China Sea

  7. GB/T15919-1995海洋学术语海洋生物学海洋生物是生存在海里的生物。

    Marine creatures are those which live in the sea .

  8. 摘要沉积学和海洋生物学都是实践性很强的学科。

    Both sedimentology and marine biology are practice-needed curriculum .

  9. 我在圣地亚哥学习海洋生物学。

    I 'm studying oceanography down in San Diego .

  10. 独白:听下面一段海洋生物学的讲座。

    Narrator : Listen to part of a lecture in a Marine Biology Class

  11. 我修了一门海洋生物学。

    I took a course in mafine biology .

  12. 听一段海洋生物学课程。

    Narrator : Listen to part of a lecture in a Marine Biology class .

  13. 生态遗传学及其在海洋生物学学科中的应用

    Ecological Genetics and Its Application in Marine Biology

  14. 第四章有更多关于海洋生物学的知识。

    Chapter four has more about marine biology .

  15. 十年来我国的海洋生物学

    A decade of marine biology in China

  16. 伍兹霍尔海洋生物学实验室

    Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory

  17. 近年来,随着海洋生物学研究的不断深入,发现了许多海洋生物尤其是大量藻类具有特殊的药用和营养价值。

    In recent years , many marine organisms , especially a lot of algaes were found with the intensive study of marine biology .

  18. 19岁的蒋中杰(音译)是厦门大学海洋生物学专业的大二学生。他几乎每天都会浏览招聘网站。

    Jiang Zhongjie , 19 , a sophomore majoring in marine biology at Xiamen University , looks at recruitment websites almost every day .

  19. 北极的温室效应被放大,进一步证实了极地海洋生物学过程对气候变化有响应。

    The fact that Arctic greenhouse effect was multiplied has further proved the response of marine biological process in the polar region to the climate change .

  20. 我发现自己身边不仅到处是海洋生物学和气候科学领域的博士和其他专家,还有经济思想领袖和企业家。

    I have found myself surrounded not only by PhDs and other experts in marine biology and climate science but also by economic thought leaders and entrepreneurs .

  21. 曾就读于浙江海洋学院生物学系,热爱生物实验和人体解剖实验。

    Have been studied at the Department of Biology , Zhejiang Ocean University .

  22. 本文将我国海洋浮游生物学的发展,作一扼要回顾与展望。

    In the present paper a brief account is given to the retrospect and prospect of marine planktology in China .

  23. 中国新生代海洋微体古生物学研究现状与发展

    Progress of Cenozoic marine micropaleontology in China over the last fifty years

  24. 摘要目的研究一株产灵菌红素海洋细菌的生物学特性及其色素的性质。方法描述该菌的形态特征、培养特征、生理生化特征和拮抗性。

    The primary study on its morphological , culture and biochemical characteristics were carried out .

  25. 一株渤海丝状海洋真菌的分子生物学复核鉴定

    Morphological and molecular identification of a marine filamentous fungus from Bohai-Sea

  26. 这个小组里有25位研究运算设计、建筑学、海洋科学、分子生物学、和物理学等方向的成员和访问学生。

    The group includes 25 affiliates and visiting students pursuing computational design , architecture , marine science , molecular biology , and physics .

  27. 总之,台风与海洋工程学、物理海洋学和海洋生物学等学科有着密切的联系。

    In words , strong winds have a close relation with oceanic engineering , physical oceanography and marine biology .

  28. 海洋内波与海洋水声学、海洋生物学、物理海洋学和军事海洋学等学科有着密切的联系,因而受到各国政府和海洋学家的普遍关注。

    Ocean internal waves is in close relationship with marine acoustics , marine biology , physical oceanography and military oceanography , so it is paid widespread attention to by every government and oceanographer .

  29. 海底地形是海洋地质学、海洋地球物理学、物理海洋学和海洋生物学等研究的基础资料,是影响海洋要素分布的重要因素之一。

    Submarine landform is the basic information of marine geology , marine geophysics , oceanography and marine biology research and is one of the important factors which affect the distribution of marine constituents .

  30. 她详细讲述了对海胆等海洋生物的好奇,这种好奇激发了她对海洋生物学的热情,她希望能在未来的大学生活和随后的职业生涯中一直保持这份热情。

    She detailed how her curiosity about sea urchins and other marine life had led to a passion she wants to sustain through college and a subsequent career .