
  • 网络Navy Pilot;Naval Aviator
  1. 美国海军飞行员迈克尔·斯科特·斯派克(MichaelScottSpeicher)在战争的第一个夜晚被击中。

    Captain Michael Scott Speicher was on the first night of the war .

  2. 他采访了美国前海军飞行员詹姆斯.斯托克代尔(JamesStockdale),后者曾作为战俘在北越待了近8年时间。

    He interviewed James Stockdale , a former US navy pilot , who spent nearly eight years in North Vietnam as a prisoner of war .

  3. 一高级海军飞行员在南卡罗莱纳州驾驶F-18喷气式飞机时坠毁身亡。

    An elite navy pilot is dead after an F-18 jet crashed in South Carolina .

  4. 目的为考察眩光对海军飞行员视功能的影响。

    Objective To study the effect of glare on visual function .

  5. 在捍卫战士中汤姆克鲁斯扮演一位年轻的海军飞行员。

    Tom Cruise plays a young Naval pilot in Top Gun .

  6. 海军飞行员吸烟行为及流行因素调查

    An investigation of smoking habits and influencing factors among naval aviators

  7. 海军飞行员新发现疾病232例分析

    Analysis of New Finding Diseases in 232 Cases of the Pilots

  8. 他作为海军飞行员服役三年。

    He worked as a naval pilot for three years .

  9. 海军飞行员齿龈阿米巴感染情况的调查分析

    Investigation of of amoeba infection of gingival in naval pilots

  10. 克鲁斯扮演一位年轻的海军飞行员。

    Tom Cruise stars in Top Gun as a young Navy pilot .

  11. 他是海军飞行员,击落15架飞机。

    A Navy flier , he shot down fifteen planes .

  12. 1200名海军飞行员腹部B超检查结果分析

    An Analysis of Ultrasonic-B Abdominal Examination in 1,200 Naval Pilots

  13. 海军飞行员脂肪肝患病率及危险因素分析

    Investigation on prevalence and risk factors of fatty liver in navy flying personnel

  14. 两名海军飞行员安全弹射获救。

    Two navy flyers ejected safely and were rescued .

  15. 目的为了解海军飞行员脂肪肝患病率及危险因素,以便制定预防措施。

    Objective To investigate the prevalence and risk factors of fatty liver in navy flying personnel .

  16. 海军飞行员吸烟情况调查

    Investigation on Smoking in Naval Pilots

  17. 目的:探讨眩光对海军飞行员暮视视觉工效的影响。

    Objective : To explore the influence of glare on twilight visual performance of naval pilots .

  18. 结果本组海军飞行员脂肪肝患病率为14.8%。

    Results The fatty liver prevalence in this group of navy flying personnel was 14.8 % .

  19. 目的了解和探索影响海军飞行员飞行的主要疾病和防治对策。

    Objective To understand and investigate the main diseases affecting pilots'flight performance and the corresponding resolutions .

  20. 海军飞行员在夜晚和复杂气象环境下执行飞行和搜救任务时需要飞行员具有在低照度下对运动目标优秀的辨认能力。

    Navy pilots should have outstanding eyesight to identify moving targets in night and rough weather conditions .

  21. 但是,1944年他在第二次世界大战中担任海军飞行员的时候遇难身亡。

    But he was killed in nineteen forty-four during service as a Navy pilot in World War Two .

  22. 目前在海军飞行员选拔的测试环节中,对于飞行员的视觉效能测试通常是以观察静态目标为主。

    Currently , in Navy pilot eyesight testing , eyesight performance is mainly measured by observing and identifying static targets .

  23. 迪特·丹格拉是一名德裔美国海军飞行员。他在越南战争期间曾经策划了一场举世闻名的丛林战俘营越狱。

    Dieter Dengler was a German-American Navy pilot who made a famous escape from a jungle prison camp during the Vietnam War .

  24. 麦凯恩是来自亚利桑那州的参议员,过去当过海军飞行员。他对宾州的选民说,他们面临著一个重要的抉择。

    McCain , a former Navy pilot and senator from Arizona , told voters in Scranton , Pennsylvania , they have a choice .

  25. 约翰以前是海军飞行员,他像个杂耍艺人般,通过各种小把戏来激起学生的兴趣,比如让特斯拉线圈产生电火花。

    a former Navy pilot who had a showman 's flair for exciting his students with such tricks as firing up a Tesla coil .

  26. 众所周知,我是一个老海军飞行员,我知道当危机来临的时候,所有的人务必同舟共济。

    As most of you know , I am an old Navy pilot and I know when a crisis calls for all hands on deck .

  27. 结论检测对不同对比度运动目标的视觉作业效能是评价海军飞行员视工效的有效方法。

    Conclusion Examining the visual effectiveness in identifying moving targets of different contrast should be an efficient method to evaluate navy pilot 's visual efficiency .

  28. 参议院麦凯恩指出了他和前总统布什之间有两个共同点:他们都是海军飞行员并且都曾被击落过。

    Senator McCain made note of the fact that he and President Bush had two things in common , both had been naval aviators and both had been shot down .

  29. 今天早上,我们从新奥尔良获悉,美国海岸卫队停止了在庞恰特雷恩湖搜索失踪的美国海军飞行员的工作。

    And we 're getting word out of New Orleans this morning that the U.S. Coast Guard has ed its search in Lake Pontchartrain for a missing U.S. Navy pilot .

  30. 三十四年后,他饰演的美国海军飞行员仍然叫马弗里克,他至今仍未晋升上校军衔。

    Thirty-four years on , his US Navy pilot character is still calling himself ' Maverick ' , and he still hasn 't made it past the rank of Captain .