
fú biāo
  • buoy;float;drogue;floating mark;staff float;dobber
浮标 [fú biāo]
  • (1) [float]∶标明水体表面下的物体(如捕龙虾用的筐篓)位置的浮于水面的指示器

  • (2) [buoy;floating mark]∶锚泊在固定地点的漂浮体,用来引导或警告海员,或用来系泊船而代替锚泊

浮标[fú biāo]
  1. 这个浮标在浅水里漂来漂去。

    The buoy floated back and forth in the shallow water .

  2. 内河新型PE防撞浮标的研制开发

    Development of Inland River New-Type Collision-Resistant Buoy of PE Material

  3. 航道有浮标表示。

    The channel is marked by buoys .

  4. 他在用浮标指示航道

    He is buoying the channel .

  5. 海上浮标系统B区域

    " Maritime Buoyage System Region " B ""

  6. GPS声纳浮标延时精确测量技术研究

    Time Delay Precision Measurement Technique Research of GPS Sonobuoy

  7. GPS浮标/SINS组合水下导航与定姿若干问题讨论

    The discussion in some problem on navigation underwater and altitude determination using GPS buoy / SINS

  8. Flash存储器在海洋资料浮标中的应用

    FLASH Memory Application in Ocean Data Buoy

  9. 在车载GPS监控系统的基础上研究开发了一种漂浮移动性能与溢油相似的、并具有GPS接收和发送功能的GPS浮标。

    A buoy equipped with GPS / GSM module which floats synchronously with the spilled oil is introduced into this research .

  10. 在差分GPS精密水下立体定位系统中,可以用于GPS浮标姿态测定,进行GPS天线坐标实时三维改正。

    It can be used to provide attitude of GPS-Buoy in Under-water Positioning System which used to calibrate the coordinates of GPS antenna center .

  11. 在该结构中,DSP用作信号处理器和控制节点,主要用于各浮标接收信号的产生。

    In this architecture , DSP which was mainly used to generate the signal received by four buoys acted as the signal processor and control node .

  12. 利用浮标资料初步评估NCEP再分析湍通量

    A preliminary estimation on NCEP reanalysis turbulent flux by buoy data

  13. 利用沿岸地基GPS固定站和海上船载或浮标动态GPS移动观测平台,实现对渤海上空水汽的连续监测。

    The coastal ground-based GPS stations and oceanic dynamic ship-borne or buoy observation platforms were used to realize the continuous monitoring of water vapor over the Bohai Sea .

  14. 差分GPS水下立体定位系统包括GPS差分基准站、GPS浮标、水下收发机、船基控制中心四部分。

    Underwater GPS positioning system includes four parts which are GPS differential reference station , GPS buoy subsystem , underwater pinger , ship-based data processing and control center .

  15. 而X波段雷达探测范围更广,安全性更高,可以作为波浪浮标的替代产品应用。

    And the x ‐ band radar has a broader detection range and a higher safety coefficient . So it can be used as an alternative product for buoy .

  16. 着重对GPS渔用浮标定位监视系统的模式及各组成部分的功能和设计的关键技术进行了讨论。

    The focus of discussion is about the mode and the function of every component part and key designing technologies for GPS fishing buoy 's locating and monitoring system .

  17. 海上缺乏密集、稳固的GPS安装平台,只能以海洋浮标或航行船舶为载体。

    Lacking of dense and solid GPS observation platforms at sea , there is only a buoy or ship as a carrier where the GPS receivers are set up .

  18. 利用PVC-U管材洗机料生产渔用浮标

    Production of fishery float by use of PVC-U pipes wastes

  19. 通过AIS信息21,AIS航标可以将浮标的实际位置直接播发出去。

    2 , Using the AIS message 21 , AIS AtoN may broadcast own accurate position in existence .

  20. 然而AIS是被动的监测跟踪目标,非强制性履约船舶及浮标物等只能通过雷达才能监测到。

    But AIS is passively tracking target and the ships of non-forced fitted AIS can not be detected .

  21. ARGO剖面浮标数据质量控制过程剖析

    Analysis of data Quality Control Process of the ARGO Profiling Buoy

  22. 一种专门用于低纬度洋区观测的Argo剖面浮标

    A Special Argo Float Used in Low Latitude of the World Oceans

  23. Google还拥有浮标式波浪发电服务器集群的专利(非常著名),该服务器集群不仅可以和发电站位于相同位置,而且在资金上也完全可以承受得起。

    Google has also ( famously ) patented a floating wave-powered server farm , which would not only be co-located with its power source but would also be totally sustainable .

  24. 发展剖面探测浮标技术,支持我国参与ARGO计划

    Developing Profiling Drifter to Help China Join ARGO Program

  25. 利用ARGO浮标提取中层海流信息研究

    A Study on the Acquirability of Mid-Depth Current Information by the ARGO Float

  26. Argo剖面浮标压力测量误差问题剖析

    Analysis of the Pressure Errors in Argo Floats Profiling

  27. 参考数据集对Argo剖面浮标盐度观测资料校正的影响

    The effect of reference dataset on calibration of Argo profiling float salinity data

  28. Argo剖面浮标观测资料的接收、处理与共享

    ARGO Profiling Float Data Receiving , Processing and Distributing

  29. 全球海洋中Argo剖面浮标运行状况分析

    An Analysis for the Operation Status of Argo Floats in the Global Oceans

  30. Argo剖面浮标的检测及其施放探讨

    The Test and Deployment of Argo Profiling Float