
làng zǐ
  • prodigal son;rake;libertine;loafer;wastrel
浪子 [làng zǐ]
  • [libertine;loafer;wastrel;prodigal son] 不受习俗惯例和道德规范约束的放荡不羁的人,尤指不务正业过着放荡生活的人

浪子[làng zǐ]
  1. 你是浪子,是法利赛人还是仆人?

    Are you a prodigal , a pharisee or a servant ?

  2. 只要想想那位浪子的父亲,你们还记得吗?

    Just look at the father of the prodigal son .

  3. 他这个昔日浪子,今日成了先进工作者。

    A former loafter , he is now an advanced worker .

  4. 这个青年完全有可能成为十足的浪子。

    This young man had all the inclination to be a profligate of the first water .

  5. 他是个声名狼藉的浪子。

    He is a notorious rake .

  6. 我相信约翰不再是个浪子了。

    I believe John is not a libertine any more .

  7. 1978年曾有一部经典影片《火爆浪子》(Greece,也译作《油脂》),而今年的年度关键词也非“希腊”(Greece)莫属。

    To borrow from the 1978 camp classic , " Greece " is the word .

  8. 他的新古典主义音乐在浪子的历程一部歌剧中达到顶点,该剧剧本由现代主义诗人W。

    Stravinsky 's neo-classicism culminated with his opera Rake 's Progress , with the book done by the well known modernist poet , W.

  9. 在RHIC上,最令人感应诧异的是跨克-胶子等浪子不是气体,其默示更象是液体。

    At RHIC , the biggest surprise was that the quark-gluon plasma , instead of being a gas , acts like a perfect liquid .

  10. 那时没人看好这位路威酩轩(LVMH)新签入的街头浪子模样的意大利设计师。他穿着牛仔裤与运动鞋,毕业于伦敦中央圣马丁艺术设计学院(CentralStMartins),之前只在米兰举行了两场自创品牌的发布会。

    No one expected much then of LVMH 's signing , a streetwise Italian in jeans and sneakers who had studied at Central St Martins in London and staged only two collections under his own label , in Milan .

  11. 我最喜欢的电影是《巴黎最后的探戈》(LastTangoinParis)。我赞同(在理论上)臭名昭著的浪子詹姆斯・戈德史密斯(JamesGoldsmith),他说过,当一个男人跟他的情妇结婚时,他就创造了一个就业机会。

    My favorite movie is ' Last Tango in Paris . ' I agree ( on a theoretical level ) with the notorious rake James Goldsmith , who said that when a man marries his mistress , he creates a job vacancy .

  12. 夸克胶子等浪子在相对论性重浪子对撞机(RHIC)上获得了极为具体的研究,这台对撞机位于纽约厄普顿,进行的是金浪子正面临撞。

    The quark-gluon plasma has been studied in great detail at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider ( RHIC ) at Upton , New York , which smashes gold ions head-on .

  13. 《巴克斯托姆》(Backstrom),Fox,1月22日播出。去年,福克斯推出根据一部澳大利亚电视剧《法庭浪子》(Rake),由格雷格·金尼尔(GregKinnear)主演,讲述一个自毁律师的故事。

    BACKSTROM ( Fox , Jan. 22 ) Last year , Fox tried a show about a self-destructive lawyer ( " Rake , " starring Greg Kinnear ) that was based on an Australian TV series .

  14. 绿球暗示位于这个选择性浪子通道中的钾浪子。

    The green sphere depicts potassium ions in the selectivity filter .

  15. 开什么玩笑,路德企业的多金浪子。

    Are you kidding ? The prodigal Luthor son returns .

  16. 你不是我的爱人,你是个残暴的浪子。

    You 're not my lover . you 're a monstrous roue .

  17. 在中国,80后出生的似乎就正处于这样一个浪子状态。

    In China , people born in1980s are just rollin'stones .

  18. 难怪那些大学浪子都闻起来一个味道。

    It 's remarkable how these college hangouts all smell the same .

  19. 将他变成了历史上最风流的浪子之一

    that would turn him into one of history 's greatest libertines .

  20. 艾丽丝曾痴情地幻想那个浪子还会回头。

    Alice had dreamed sentimentally that the prodigal would return .

  21. 在古怪教堂里演“火爆浪子”你在开玩笑吗

    Grease in a weird church ? Are you kidding ?

  22. 嘿我妹妹要出演“火爆浪子”里佐

    Hey , my sister got this role in Grease . Rizzo .

  23. 你的暴力,年轻的浪子,是典型的无知表现。

    Your violence , Young prodigal , Is typical .

  24. 第一章:浪子(第五段)

    Chapter 1 : the prodigal son ( parts )

  25. 我失去了露丝,却冤枉地担上了准浪子的名声。

    I lost Ruth and gained an undeserved reputation as a potential libertine .

  26. 文学语言是语言家族中狂放不羁的浪子悍妇。

    Literature language is the uncontrollable " hellcat " in the family of language .

  27. 本剧讲述了18世纪著名的风流浪子的生活和爱情故事。

    Dramatic retelling of the life and loves of the eighteenth-century lothario , Casanova .

  28. 我要成为“火爆浪子”里的里佐

    I need to be Rizzo in Grease .

  29. 象征主义者之墨守原文,唯美主义,为浪子与城市意象的关系。

    Symbolist Textuality , Aestheticism , Relation to Image the Flaneur and the City .

  30. 他曾多次批评那些反传统的浪子式的现代派只有摧毁,没有建构。

    He has once criticized that those counter-tradition modernists only destroyed but not constructed .