
  • 网络Zico;kiko
  1. 他要求由运动员、球迷以及每一个人公开选举巴西足球协会(BrazilianFootballConfederation)的高层官员,也闪现过推举队友济科(Zico)与丑闻缠身的足协主席一争高下的念头。

    He demanded open elections - by players , fans , everyone - for the top job in the Brazilian Football Confederation , and toyed with fielding his team-mate Zico against the scandal-tangled president .

  2. 济科曾经当选过三次南美足球先生。

    He was named South American footballer of the year on three occasions .

  3. 当然,在巴西我们有很多优秀的球员,比如济科等等。

    Of course , Brazil , we have a lot of excellent players , like Zico , etc.

  4. 本场比赛中日本队在其巴西籍主教练济科的统领下,攻防有章。赛后济科对日本队的表现也表示满意。

    Japan 's Brazilian coach Zico looked to have his side in great order and was happy with the performance .

  5. 伊济科夫斯基称侧卧、两腿伸直、双臂自然下垂的睡姿为圆木式。这种睡姿的人爱交际,容易相处。

    Sleeping on one 's side with legs outstretched and arms down in what Idzikowski refers to as the log , indicates a social , easy-going personality .

  6. 在巴西这片土地上,曾诞生了加林查、济科、罗马里奥、罗纳尔多和卡卡等众多足球巨星,还有“天王级”球星贝利。

    This is the land that produced football greats such as Garrincha , Zico , Romario , Ronaldo , Kaka , and the most famous of all , Pele .