
liú tì
  • runny nose;shed tears
流涕 [liú tì]
  • [shed tears] 流泪。涕,古代一般指眼泪,用泗指鼻涕。如涕泗交流。后来泪代替了涕,涕代替了泗,泗一般不再使用

  • 德威流涕,不能执刀。--清. 全祖望《梅花岭记》

  1. 花粉热临床表现为流泪、流涕,眼睛、鼻子发痒。

    When someone has hayfever , the eyes and nose will stream and itch

  2. 治疗后患者的主要症状喷嚏、流涕、鼻塞、鼻痒及体征评分较治疗前均有极显著性降低(P<0.001)。

    The score of above symptoms decrease significantly ( P < 0.001 ) after treatment .

  3. 治疗B组在改善喷嚏、流涕、鼻塞上明显优于对照组。

    Treatment group B in improving the sneezing , runny nose , nasal congestion significantly better than the control group .

  4. 4例CPn感染患儿均有发热,伴有咳嗽和流涕。

    All 4 children infected with CPn had fever accompanied by running nose .

  5. 结果:AP与急性呼吸道感染发热患者相比,AP一般没有呼吸道的卡他症状,即鼻塞、流涕等(P<0.001);

    Result : Compared to ARI , AP haven 't respiration catarrh symptom such as nasal obstruction , running , and so on ( P < 0.001 ) .

  6. 变应性鼻炎组小鼠在OVA激发后出现流涕、喷嚏等症状;

    The mice in allergic rhinitis group appeared typical allergic rhinitis symptoms after OVA challenge , such as rhinorrhea and sneeze .

  7. 大约在一个月前,莎伦·吉尔伯特(SharonGilbert)出现了流涕、咽喉疼痛、咳嗽等一系列令人烦恼的症状。

    About a month ago Sharon Gilbert was hit with a runny nose , sore throat and a cough . The whole snotty works .

  8. 以发热、咳嗽、流涕、头痛为主要症状,病程一般3 ̄5d。

    The main clinical symptoms were fever , cough , rhinorrhea and headache , the course of diseases often lasted for 3  ̄ 5 days .

  9. 治疗后,治疗组症状时间总积分明显小于对照组(P<0.005),发热、流涕、咳嗽、咽部充血的症状时间积分明显小于对照组(P<0.005)。

    After treatment , the score of time for symptomatic relief in treatment group was significantly shorter ( P < 0 . 005 ), and the score of time relief of fever , running nose , cough and pharyngeal congestion were also shorter ( P < 0 . 005 ) .

  10. 她痛苦流涕,渴望能睡在自己家中的床上。

    She cried and ached to sleep in her own bed .

  11. 就诊时主要症状为鼻塞、流涕和鼻出血等,确诊前病程1~24个月,中位病程6.5个月;

    The disease course was 1-24 months with a median of 6.5 months .

  12. 结论:副鼻窦支气管炎为儿童慢性咳嗽常见原因,若儿童出现慢性咳嗽、咳痰、鼻塞、流涕、头痛时,应考虑本病的可能。

    Conclusion : The paranasal sinusitis-bronchitis is the usual cause of chronic cough in enfant stage .

  13. 这种药对于流涕不止、老是打喷嚏的患者来说并不是最适用的。

    The treatment isn 't best suited for people with runny noses and sneezing , she says .

  14. 2组治疗后喷嚏、流涕、鼻堵、鼻痒均有改善(P<0.05)。

    Such symptoms as sneezing and nasal obstruction were improved in two groups ( P < 0.05 );

  15. 主要不良反应有轻、中度发热,注射部位疼痛,骨骼肌肉疼痛。少见的有乏力,寒战,流涕,皮疹,一般可以耐受。

    Mild or moderate fever , injection site reaction , bone pain , myalgia , asthenia and skin rash .

  16. 结果:本组鼾症消失12例、无张口呼吸8例、流涕完全改善3例。

    Results : 12 cases snore crucials disappear , 8 cases without mouth breathing , 3 cases improved rhinorrhea .

  17. 舒缓因伤风、感冒或敏感之咳嗽、打喷嚏、流涕及鼻塞。

    Cough , sneezing , rhinorrhea and nasal congestion which due to common cold , influenza or allergic conditions .

  18. 麻疹病例定义为发烧、发疹伴以咳嗽、流涕或结膜炎等一种或多种症状。

    A measles case was defined as fever and rash and one or more of cough , coryza or conjunctivitis .

  19. 鼻鼻窦炎以包括鼻塞、嗅觉丧失、流涕及面部压迫感在内的临床常见症状为特征。

    The most common symptoms , including nasal obstruction , smell loss , rhinorrhea , and facial pressure , have been well characterized .

  20. 结果:患者自觉症状改善的总有效率为:喷嚏86.8%,流涕81.6%,鼻塞100%。

    Sneezing , nasal discharge , and nasal obstruction were improved to 86.8 % , 81.6 % , and 100 % , respectively .

  21. 干预组经过地塞米松干预后,偶有流涕,喷嚏和挠鼻现象基本消失。

    After the dexamethasone intervention , the rats in intervention group have occasional runny nose , sneezing and scratching nose phenomenon almost disappear .

  22. 急性鼻窦炎通常是因诸如普通感冒的感染而引发,导致局部疼痛与压痛,鼻塞,流涕和全身不适。

    Acute sinusitis , usually due to infections such as the common cold , causes localized pain and tenderness , nasal obstruction and discharge , and malaise .

  23. 流感、普通感冒、肺炎等均可导致呼吸道感染,主要症状为咳嗽、发热、全身酸痛、鼻塞流涕、咽痛等。

    Infection in respiratory tract includes flu and ordinary cold , etc. Its common symptoms are fever , pain , running at the nose , angina and cough .

  24. 方法:建立豚鼠鼻黏膜水肿、流涕、打喷嚏模型,观察药物对黏膜分泌、水肿、毛细血管通透性的影响。

    Methods : Cavy model with nasal mucosa edema , nasal discharge and sneezing was established and to observe the effect of PHC nasal drops on these symptoms .

  25. 结论:益肺调血汤能有效的解除或缓解鼻痒、喷嚏、鼻塞、流涕和减轻鼻黏膜肿胀等症状。

    Conclusion : Blood Tang Yifei tune can be effectively lift or ease nasal itching , sneezing , nasal congestion , runny nose and reduce nasal swelling and other symptoms .

  26. 流涕(3.4%)、打喷嚏、皮疹、扁桃体及淋巴结肿大少见(2.5%,0.9%和0.3%)。

    Rhinorrhea , sneezing , skin rash and tumefaction of tonsil or lymph nodes were rare ( the rates were 3.4 % , 2.5 % , 0.9 % and 0.3 % respectively ) .

  27. 起初听众们激怒得几将危害他的生命,但他的雄辩终于感动了他们,使他们一个个恸哭流涕地认了罪。

    At first they were so enraged that his life was in danger , but at last his eloquence won them over , and with tears they one and all confessed themselves guilty .

  28. 但事实是,症状不仅对感冒的持续时间没有任何影响,它们还会把病毒传染给他人&通过流涕和咳嗽的方式。

    But the truth is that the symptoms not only make no difference to the duration of the cold , they can help spread the bug to other people-through nose blowing and coughing .

  29. 虚证鼻粘膜色泽以苍白或淡红为主;肺经伏热型流涕较少,鼻粘膜色泽以红为主。

    Patients of deficiency syndrome had mostly pale or reddish nasal mucosa : patients of the type of latent heat in the lung channel had less nasal discharge with red nasal mucosa as main .

  30. 方法:5例陈旧性外伤性歪鼻畸形的患者,男性4例,女性1例,平均年龄28岁,查体见外鼻不同程度的歪斜,主诉均为鼻塞,伴随症状主要有头痛、流涕。

    Methods : Five cases of posttraumatic deviated nose deformity ( males 4 and female 1 ) . The average age was twenty-eight . Physical examination showed the external nose deviated with different extent .