
liú mánɡ wú chǎn zhě
  • lumpen-proletariat
流氓无产者 [liú máng wú chǎn zhě]
  • [lumpen-proletariat] 指旧社会中受反动统治阶级压迫和剥削,失去土地和职业的一部分人。大都是破产的农民和失业的手工业者,常常以不正当的活动(如偷盗、欺骗、恐吓等)谋生

  1. 农民·市民·流氓无产者&骆驼祥子的游民文化视角解读

    Peasant , Citizen Lumpen-proletariat Interpretation of Xiangzi from the Perspective of Vagrant Culture

  2. 这种吓人战术,是剥削阶级以及流氓无产者所惯用的手段,无产阶级不需要这类手段。

    It is a tactic which the exploiting classes and the lumpen-proletariat habitually practise , but for which the proletariat has no use .

  3. 因此,这些西伯利亚的“流氓无产者”们在嘟囔著种族口号时,也因为靠近中国龙而从中受益。

    So even as they mutter racist slogans , members of Siberia 's Lumpenproletariat benefit from proximity to the dragon .

  4. 大概是这样一位作家,他曾自称为“流氓无产者的吟游诗人”,这对他自己创作的最好的描绘。

    Is probably a writer , he was called " rogue proletarians bards ," this is the best of his own creation .

  5. 八十年代之后,思想解放和文化反思的不断深入,流氓无产者形象伴随着这股文化追寻思潮,在文本中大量出现。

    After the eighties , with the liberation of ideology and the rethinking of culture , the image of hooligan proletarian has come into being with large quantities .