
  • 网络logue;log;Kellogg
  1. 据科技博客媒体ArsTechnica报道,洛格发现,大约10%的解锁图形会构成一个字母,比如N或C。多数时候,这些字母都与用户自己或亲近的人的名字对应。

    She found that around 10 per cent of patterns create a letter , such as an N or C , which more often than not corresponded to a user 's own name , or that of a loved one , Ars Technica reported .

  2. 洛格:那他应该换个工作

    Logue : Perhaps he should change jobs .

  3. 伊丽莎白王后:要是我丈夫是约克公爵呢?洛格:约克公爵?

    Queen Elizabeth : And what if my husband were the Duke of York ?

  4. 就是洛格跟踪她的那一晚。

    The night rug was following her .

  5. 明克以为洛格是在跟踪他?

    Mink thought rug was tailing him .

  6. 洛格在其论文中取样了4000个用户自创的安卓解锁图形。

    Ms L ø ge sampled 4000 user-generated Android lock patterns as part of her thesis .

  7. 洛格:那抱歉了,夫人,我的地盘,我来做主。

    Queen Elizabeth : Sorry , Mrs J , my game , my turf , my rules .

  8. 洛格发现,多数人选择的图形都是从左向右移动,这样使猜到密码的难度又稍微降低了一些。

    Ms L ø ge found that most people chose patterns that moved from left to right , making guessing combinations slightly easier .

  9. 安卓图形解锁于2008年推出。上周,洛格在拉斯维加斯举行的密码保护研讨会(PasswordCon)展示了自己针对安卓手机的图形解锁的研究成果。

    She presented her findings into Android lock patterns , which were introduced in 2008 , at PasswordCon in Las Vegas last week .

  10. 洛格:带你老公来我这儿转转吧,星期二我有空,跟我说说详细情况,彻底了解一下病情,然后再做决定。

    Logue : Well we need to have your hubby pop by ... Tuesday would be good ... He can give me his personal details and I 'll make a frank . And then we can take it from there

  11. 通过对鼠洛格、日挥、壳牌、埃索等国外公司与中国石化总公司关于蒸汽伴热管道规定的对比分析,提出要正确理解和执行规定。

    Through the comparison and analysis of various codes for steam tracing piping prepared by foreign firms such as Kellogg , JGC , Shell and Esso as well as by SINOPEC , the importance of proper comprehension and execution of the codes was put forward .